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Thea's POV

Waking up with mason wrapping his hands around my waist close to him was amazing.

Although I didn't like how I woke up so early in the morning.

I slept at 3 in the morning and woke up at 6.

Hoes does that make any sense?

Now I'm currently in the balcony just enjoying the sunset as the cold morning breeze hits me.

Which leads me alone with my thoughts.

Should I just go up to the roof?


Is that even a question?

the next thing I know I'm in the roof to which I find Celeb at smoking a cigarette.

I forgot that they were also crashing the night here.

"What are you doing awake so early?" I ask and he jumps a bit as I climb to sit next to him.

"Aren't you suppose to be asleep?" He ask and I laugh.

That's what I was asking myself.

For some reason something told me to get up though.

"Better question is aren't you suppose to be asleep?" I say and he hands me a cigarette.

"I asked first" he says holding up the lighter for me to light it.

"There is only so little the pills can do for me" I say remembering that I took a sleeping pill when I started baking.

"Why do you need pills for Anyways?" Celeb ask as I examine the cigarette.

"It's your turn to answer my question" I remind him, putting out the cancer stick.

"Well How am I suppose to sleep in a house filled with murders" he says making my head turn to him.

"We both know that's not why your up here" I say rolling my eyes and making him sigh.

"There's this girl" he starts and I just stay silent for him to continue.

"I like her... but I don't want to drag her into this dangerous life that we were born into

She has a choice on where and what she wants for her life and I don't. I don't want to fuck up her life by dragging her to my own" he says frustrated.

"How long have you and this girl been together?" I ask him.

"I met her a few months ago In college" Celeb says.

"Describe her" I say knowing that there will be  twinkle in his eyes if he really likes her.

"She's short, has shoulder length blond hair, and has the most beautiful hazel eyes that I've ever seen" he says with a small smile as I see the twinkle in his eyes that I was looking for.

"She's one of the kindest girl I've ever met" he continues and then looks away for a while before turning back to me with a sort of sadness in his eyes now.

"But she has this sadness in her eyes that makes me want to protect her from all the dangers in the world... but how? By dragging her into my world won't she be in more danger?" He says sadly.

"Tell her, tell her when the time is right about us, your lifestyle, like you said she has a choice on how she wants her life to turn out .... but that's just bullshit, everyone has a path of "destiny" as most people call it planned out for them already" I say.

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