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Thea's pov

I feel safe right now as I snuggle closer to it and I feel a little fur ball in front of me which I'm guessing is Sierra.

I then feel a strong hand pull me in closer. I didn't pay any mind since this is probably one of the best sleeps I've gotten in awhile.



"What the-?!" I shout, trying to jump out of bed.

Looking at the owner of the arm wrapped around me it was Mason.

"Zittire le donne e tornare a dormire" he says in a hoarse voice with his eyes closed.

Damn, his accent though.

I never noticed it until now.

But like damn

"Mason get your big ugly arms off of me" I say in a warning tone but he doesn't seem to care as he pulls me closer to him.

"Che ore sono?" he says in a groggy voice

He still has his damn eyes closed and still has a firm grip around me.

"I don't speak Italian " I sigh making him huff.

"What time is it?" He ask and I look at the alarm I have in my bedside counter.

"It's just about to hit 8" I say making him shut his eyes close again.

"Go to sleep, it's too early to be awake" he says this time pulling me closer to his chest closing the little gap there was before probably squishing Sierra now.

I try to wiggle my way out and somehow I end up on top of him and then I give up and I see a smirk come onto his face.

I felt something hard from underneath me and noticed that he was shirtless letting his abs show through.

Usually I wouldn't have let this affect me but I was fought off guard and now I'm all over the place.

"Common Mason, get up" I say in my normal voice and I felt my face get warm. This time Mason opens his eyes but he still doesn't let go.

We just stay there looking into each other's eyes. I instantly get lost into his dark green eyes.

It reminds me of the forest and how you can just run free but it also warns you not to go in too deep because you won't like what you'll find.

How can he look so attractive right now? You can't even tell that he just woke up or that he got drunk last night.

I swear, he can get ran over by a car a million times and still come out looking like a catalog model.

"Your eyes remind me of the forest" I blurt out and he just chuckles making my lips twitch a bit as I hold back a smile.

I then remembered the events from last night and I immediately get off of him.

How did he even get into my room?

I hear his phone ring and he walks out of the room as he answered it.

"When are we going to finish our project?" I hear Sierra suddenly ask.

I turn around and see her sitting up wrapped up in blankets.

Why is she such a mood right now?

"We're almost done. We just need to buy new furniture which we can do online" I say and she nods.

The Arrangement (Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now