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Thea's POV

Sitting down on my spot next to Jake we wait for the Spaniards to come.

Mason is right across from me and seated next to him is his underdog, Mac. Next to me is Andy then Luke. Seated next to Mac is Luis.

Checking my watch I start to get impatient since they should have been here 10 minutes ago.

I watch as Jake and Mason don't look impatient, they just have a sone cold face on displaying no emotions.

I already know what Marcelo is going to start complaining about.

The door opens and making his way to his chair is the one and only. Marcelo.

He has more muscles then he did before, Tanner and taller. But that also means he has grown cold like the others.

"Right on time, Marcelo" Jake says sarcastically.

I'm surprised he didn't come with Hunter. They are usually at each others hips.

"I forgot how much traffic LA has" Marcelo says.

"Shall we get started?" Jake ask and with that we begin.

All throughout the meeting I didn't say anything. I was just observing everything while the guys talked. I would see a few glances here and there from Marcelo but that was about it.

"How are you going to deal with the Shadow gang?" Marcelo Finally ask. I don't show any emotions as I see Jake look at me expectingly.

I smile knowing how to hit the shadows hard.

"I wouldn't worry about them for now. Let them squirm right now" I say leaning back in my seat with a mischievous smile on my face.

I see the exchanges amongst themselves wondering what I would do.

"Now that we've reviewed over everything, I say we should get the Russians involved. They will help more then you guys think" Mason says.

They all look over at me and I stay quiet for a second just looking at him. He meets my stare and it seems that he's not going to back out.

I raise an eyebrow and Jake switches his stare to Marcelo and nods.

"I guess there's going to be a reunion soon" Marcelo says.

Finally the meeting is over.

I go up to Marcelo wanting to know what he's been up to since the last time we saw each other. He try's to give me a hug but I jerk back in an instinct.

"Why didn't you come visit?" I ask hitting him in the shoulder instead.

I can see the confused face on him but I just ignore it. Marcelo then gives me a knowing look and I just sigh.

"I heard you were married now" I say wanting to change the subject.

"You'll love her, Thea. She's back in the penthouse" Marcelo says and I see this sparkle in his eyes that I haven't seen before.

I smile knowing that he found someone to love but at the same time I worry about the possibility that someone will harm her to get to him. I can already tell that she's his weakness.

"You can swing by tomorrow. You still know the location of the penthouse right?" He ask and I look at him like he was dumb. "Right"

I nod and with that he was out of the office.

I haven't seen him in so long but I can already tell that he's changed through the years. He seems more tense, dangerous, and cold.

"What do you have planned for the Shadows, Thea?" Jake ask out loud.

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