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Thea's POV

We ended up stopping at a restaurant where we ended up eating because during our walk back to the penthouse her stomach started grumbling.

I watch her shove her hamburger in her mouth along with fries.

"Slow down you might choke" I say but she doesn't listen as she's still eating her burger.

I grab my burger and eating it while watching her already finish hers.

How can such a tiny person finish that whole burger in 3 bites?

She then moves onto her drink and starts drinking it while looking at me.

"Are you going to finish that?" She ask pointing at my burger.

I look at it and then set it down and sliding it to her which she accepts and starts eating it.

"When was the last time you ate?" I ask her.

"2 days ago" she says causing my jaw to drop open.

Taking in a few deep breaths before I lose my shit and scare her off i look out the window seeing people pass by.

Who starved their own child?

"Mommy! Look what I found" Lucas shouts from the other room. "Quick mom!"

I walk over to the living room where I see him wearing his underwear over his pants, a blanket as a cape, and another One of his underwear as a mask.

"Look" he says holding out a bow and arrow.

It's been so long since I've thought of Lucas. The only days that I shut the world around me is when it's his anniversary.

I turn to look back at her already finished with her second burger.

"You ready?" I ask her and she nods while taking sips of her drink.

We stand up and she takes her drink with her as we leave.

Holding her hand tight not wanting to lose her among these people we start walking back to the penthouse.

15 minutes later

"I need to go to the restroom!" She whispers shout with the funniest expression as she starts to do a pee dance in the elevator.

"Don't worry we'll get there soon" I say as she continues to do her pee dance.

The elevator door opens and immediately I see Jake, Andy, and Mac talking in the living room.

"The restroom is the last door of the hall way" I say and she starts running down the hall.

Looking back at the guys I see Jake looking at me unfazed by this while Mac was looking at me with a cold face.

Andy didn't say anything as he had to take care of a phone call.

"Where is Luke?" I ask wanting to start on my promise to Sierra.

"Who's the kid?" Jake ask and I glare at him. He knows not to get into my business after what happened last time.

"Where. Is. Luke?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Who. Is. The. Kid?" He ask through gritted teeth too.

I hold my stand as he walks towards me.

"We don't want another accident to happen after last time" Jake whispers to me and that's when I feel something in me snap.

I slap him and walk away to the kitchen.

As soon as I enter the kitchen I see Marcelo and River making out.

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