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Masons POV

When I first learned that I would be married off to her I thought it was all a joke.

They would always tell us that when we were younger. I doubt she even remembers me after the accident she had when she was 12.

After what had happen with my past relationship I didn't want to be tied down. That's why I have Amanda around, only for fucking here and there.

When I saw Thea walk down she looked like a walking goddess. She looks far more different then she did when we were younger, which was expected. I guess I always imagined her as the girl who would call me a chicken.

From the small little girl I once knew she grew into a woman. Her long almost pitch black wavy hair flowing down her back, her curvy body, her round lips that always seem to be so kissable, and her eyes.

I still remember how much life her eyes had when we were younger. Now their just cold, filled with darkness angering me.

What has she gone through these past years?

Thea's POV

2 months after the dinner.

"Hey I'm heading to California tonight"

"Does Mason know about this?" Jake ask through the phone.

"He's in a business trip with that almond girl" I say putting some of my clothes in my suitcase.

"Send someone to pick me up from the airport around 8ish"

"Call me if you decide not to go do I won't waste my time waiting. If you do end up coming then give me a call before you go on the jet" Jake says sounding annoyed as he hangs up the call.


I recheck my suitcase making sure I didn't leave anything behind before I sip it up and make my way downstairs.

As I'm getting near the door one of the guards block the door.

"Excuse me ma'am I can't let you leave" He says making me pissed off.

"Who said?" I ask

"Bosses orders" is all he says.

I put the suitcase down and walk back slowly. I then run straight at him hoping for him to move out the way but as I'm charging at him I hear gunshots ringing and I'm thrown to the ground.

I hear glass shattering and people shouting. All I can do now is get my gun from my purse and seek cover.

"The house is currently being under attack. I need more backup here" One of the guards says. "Ma'am I suggest you seek cover in your room"

Suddenly he is falling to the ground, blood pooling around him. Behind him is a guy looking down at me with a smile.

I try to get my gun without him noticing but I'm already being forced up against the wall.

"Well, well, well, I guess luck is on my side for once. Boss will be happy about this" is all I hear before Im knocked out cold

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12-25-19

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