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Thea's POV

Mason looks beyond pissed.

Mason starts to drag me out and I can see the blonde girl that was with him follow us out.

Looking at her as she comes closer I can see the roots of her hair start to grow in and how damaged her hair actually is. I can see that her lips aren't natural just by the way they seem in her face structure, her curves don't seem natural with her skinny legs and just a big butt.

You can tell she recently got a boob job by the faint scars in her chest that was not covered by her v-lined red dress.

She has these dark brown eyes, blonde hair, small nose and good facial structure except for her lips.

Mason comes to a stop in front of a black SUV and he opens up the passenger seat. I was about to get in before the blonde girl pushes me back and gets in. I look at Mason, expecting him to do something but all he does is close the door and already on his way to the drivers side.

I roll my eyes and go to the back seat looking out of the window I see Gianna looking down at us from a window inside the house.

I couldn't quite figure out what her facial reaction was before we were driving off.

It was quiet the whole way back, which I didn't mind because what am I going to expect from a total stranger that I'm married too?

After about an hour or two of driving in pure silence we seem to be coming into view of another castle looking house.

It didn't look like a castle but it felt that way because of how big it was.

This one was different though. This one was all matte black making me smile.

My type of house.

The car comes to a stop and I get out of the car dragging my dress behind me.

Wow it looks so much bigger up close.

I've seen other mansions before but this one tops them all.

"Look at her. She's probably not even seen a mansion in her life before" an annoying high pitch voice says making me cringe.

Bold of you to assume that I've never seen a mansion before.

The details of this house is what has me memorized by it all.

Mason ignores us both and passes us to enter what I am assuming is his home.

I soon follow behind him. Entering the house is the living room. The walls are painted white and there is only black and grey furniture inside.

Not gonna lie the sofas look so comfortable to lay in.

I Bump into a hard wall making me bounce back but not fall. Quickly I realized that it was in fact not a wall but Masons back that I bumped into. He turns around glaring at me.

"The second floor is all yours. It has its own Kitchen, bathroom and living room. Therefore you shall not be able to bother me at all" Mason says and I nod.

He turns his back on me again about the head somewhere else but then stops.

"Also all your stuff is already here. Blake has them move it here along with some of your own furniture. One more thing, don't go to the third floor" With that he leaves with the blondie following behind him.

At least I have a whole floor to myself

Walking up the stairs to the second floor I see everything decorated the way my home in California was.

I guess Blake put some thought into this.

I try to find the master bedroom but it was harder then I anticipated.

When I finally found my room I saw that it was identical to the one back home. Everything was the exactly the same as it is back home other then the pictures hanging up. Here there is no picture hung up.

I begin to take off the dress and put it in the back of my closet where it won't get ruined. Such a beautiful dress.

I go through the drawers finishing it filled with my clothes and I get my clothes ready for when I'm finished taking my shower.

Before I shower I take off all the makeup off. It was like lifting a weight off my shoulder when I did. I don't wear makeup often because I already have clear skin and thick eyebrows. I only wear it when it's a special event.

After my shower I change into my pajamas and drift off to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12-21-19

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