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Thea's POV

"You guys aren't suppose to be in there unless you're on the list" Beth says holding a tray of what appeared to be where she holds out drinks.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Rose, the manager of the club, ask looking nervously at Beth.

"They we're trying to go to VIP" Beth says crossing her arms.

"I am so sorry about that Mr and Mrs. Del Rey, shes new" Rose says quickly and lets us in.

"I would train her better, Rose. If my brother would have seen that then you both would have been fired on the spot" I say only for them two to here as we walk in already seeing Jake, Andy, and Luke sitting down with a drink in hand.

"Have you considered the deal?" Jake immediately ask Mason making me curious about what deal they were taking about.

"I am still going over it" Mason says and I see Beth come around again with whiskey glasses and shots. She places them down in the table and quickly leaves.

Andy whistles as he stares at her ass making me roll my eyes.

"I would grab me a piece of that-"

"Cut it off, Andy" Jake says looking pissed.

This sparks my interest. This isn't the first time Andy has done something like that in front of Jake and he never minds. What's different about this.

I take a shot and another as I listen to them discuss a few business plans.

I feel a hand grip my thigh as I was already on my sixth shot. Looking down at the hand I follow it up to Mason who is still talking to Jake.

I try to brush off his hand but he has a good grip on my thigh. Giving up not wanting to cause a scene I go for my seventh shot but Masons hand tightens and I finally get what he's trying to imply.

To stop drinking.

I mentally roll my eyes thinking who is he for him to ask me to stop drinking.

I see that Beth girl coming around again to pick up the cups. As she's doing that I see the glances she keeps giving Jake before she leaves.

I stare at Jake as he glances back at Beth who's back is now facing us before he turns back to the conversation with Mason.

Even with alcohol in my system I already know that something is going on.

Maybe it's the alcohol talking.

She comes back again with new drinks and this time there is no denying that there is something their between the both of them.

This time they actually held eye contact for a split second before she left. I wonder what Jake is playing at. He never sleeps with his employees.

I glance down and see Masons hand still resting on my thigh. At least he wasn't gripping it this time.

His hand goes up a bit making me tense up and he just lets it rest their.

Okay what the hell was that?

"This was a lovely talk but I have some business to attend to" Jake says getting up and so does Mason as they shake hands and he leaves with Andy and Luke behind him.

We ended up staying there for a few more hours as Mason, Luis and Mac discussed more business in front of me.

I noticed that when Jake left so did Beth.



"THEA WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO PRETTY" Mac screams out as he starts to get onto the table.

I start to record since it was hilarious.

"MAC YOU BETTER G-" Mason gets cut off as Mac somehow falls off the table and onto the floor face first and I start laughing at him.

Suddenly Luke gets onto the table too. "YOU CANT SEE ME" he says and jumps on top of Mac as he grunts and I start to laugh harder.

He's going to regret that in the morning. I think back about his broken arm cringing about how painful that's going to be when he's finally sober.

"We.should. get. going. now" Mason says but gets ignored by me and the guys as they start to fight each other.


With that we all freeze for a split second and follow his orders not wanting to get the beast any more angry then it is I mean he is right now.

Mason shoves them in the backseat not allowing them to drive back earning some whining from them but quickly shut up when Mason glares at them.

When he starts up the car he glances at me and then smiles. "Send me the video later"

I smile back but then remember that I don't have his number.

"I don't have your-"

He takes my phone and inserts his number in quickly and hands me back my phone. The rest of the ride was quiet, other then the occasional snoring coming from the back.

When we got home Mason just left them inside the car. I was going to say something about it but then I shrug once I feel how tired I was.

They are grown men. They can take care of themselves. With that I changed into my pajamas and slept like a baby.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 01/09/20

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