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Thea's POV

We are already on the jet and so far everything is running smoothly. We have to do a pit stop in Spain so this flight will take longer.

Before we left Mason gave me a first aid kit in case of an emergency I'm guessing. River was near tears when we had to leave. She glared at me and threatened if anything happens to him she will come after me even if I do end up dead.

I understood why she would have said that. I'm guessing she had already connected the dots of how her brother died because after that she had kept on glaring at me.

"How did you know Elijah?" Marcelo ask, sitting in front of me.

I look out through the window noticing that we are about to take off.

"You've heard about The Coleman's empire falling" I state and he nods.

"Elijah was working with them" he says and I nod.

"I was the one who took them down" I say finally looking at him. He looks at me with wide eyes before darkness starts to cloud his eyes.

"You killed him?" He ask and I shake my head no.

It made me angry to know that, that's what everyone thinks what happened.

"I used to be... Brian's girl.... Elijah was his second in command. Whenever Brian laid a hand on me Elijah would always try to defend me but that would always go worst for me. After we planned an attack on Brian, Elijah helped me try to run after I killed Brian. He ended up talking the bullet for me" I explain.

"When did this happen?" Marcelo ask. He seems to be more serious than he was before.

"5 years ago" I say seeing his jaw clench.

"Right after your graduation" Marcelo whispers to himself.

"You disappeared right after" he finally says towards me.

I don't say anything I just stay silent watching his reaction. He just went cold right after that and didn't end up saying  anything.

"What's the next step to the plan?" Luke ask sliding into the seat next to me.

"Shoot down the two main warehouses they have in Spain" I say and Luke smiles at that.

"Finally some action" Luke says fixing his watch.

"Error buckle up your seat belts tight. There has been some complications" Victor, the pilot, says.

Didn't we just take off about 10 minutes ago?

I look down at my watch  and see that we left about an hour and 20 minutes ago.

How did time go by so fast?

"What the hell is going on?" Jake shouts furiously walking over to the pilot section.

"I have no ide-"

"I warned you Thea" the intercom says soon getting cut off followed by an explosion in one of the planes wings.

"BUCKEL YOUR SEAT BELTS" Victor yells. I was about to unbuckle my seatbelt to shove jack into one of the seats but he had already done so putting on his seatbelt. 

The plane starts to go in circles making us go side to side.

Using the string hanging out of my bag I tie it to my ankle making sure that I don't lose the bag.

"This is how the story ends of the fallen angles" the intercom comes back followed by laughter

I smile at that. I've always loved that nickname.

The Arrangement (Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now