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Thea's POV

My head is pounding. What the hell happen?

"Would you look at that. The princess is awake" I hear and immediately I try to stand up but I can't.

Opening my eyes I find myself in a dark room tied to a wooden chair and a cloth tied on my mouth.

How do I always get in these situations?

"Smile for the camera, sweetheart" the guy says from somewhere in the room. Suddenly a light from above me turns on making me squint my eyes.

"Don't call me sweetheart, asshole" I say threw the cloth rolling my eyes.

I feel A sting on my left cheek making my head go to the side. Did a ghost just bitch slapped me?

I feel the cloth fall off letting me feel much more better.

"Keep up the attitude and you'll get more then just a slap"

"Stop being a coward and show yourself you piece of shit" I say and that's when They start to tase me.

I keep it in by bitting the inside of my cheeks and I guess they notice because suddenly they turn it up.

"Fuck" I mutter and that's when they stop and I hear a deep laugh.

"You see that, Mason?"

"Fuck off and fight me like a man. Pinche pendejo es-"

(Fucking bitch st-)

"Shut the fuck up!" They shout giving me another slap.

"ShUt ThE fUcK uP. You decided to kidnap me now deal with- okay goddamn ill stop talking back" I say as soon as I see a guy pointing a gun at me.

"Boss we got news that the Mexican leader is has just arrived with Mason"

"What the fuck is the Mexican Leader doing here?!"

I start to try not to laugh but a giggle came out and soon I'm full on laughing like a lunatic.

"HOLY SHIT IM NOT TALKING BACK STOP" I yell feeling the taser again.

"Such a pretty face.... too bad that you talk to much" A guy says suddenly appearing in front of me as they stop tasing me.

He grabs onto my chin and slowly leans in making my heart race.

"I wonder how those juicy lips taste like" he says looking at my lips as he slowly leans in for a kiss.

Without thinking twice I hit my head against his as hard as possible.


Well next time don't try to kiss me without my permission.

"You did deserve it, John"


"Be quiet or you'll get tased again"

From what I can see they turn around talking to whoever was on the phone.

I get up since these idiots didn't tie my feet. As soon as I hear gunshots again I fall hard enough to brake the chair and roll to a corner.

I try to get the rope or whatever it is tiring my hands to my back.

"I FOUND HER" someone near me shouts.

I wiggle off to another corner and see that the door is cracked open.

"Where are you going?"

Oh hell no.

I stand up and make a run for it to where people are shooting at each other. I stop and run the other way and see a guy standing by the door.

I look around for another way out and see an open window and I look back at the guy who is looking me like I'm crazy.

"DONT JUMP OUT THE WINDOW" he shouts and I run straight to it. Just as I'm in mid air I feel someone get ahold of me and now we are both falling down.

"Ragazza matta" I hear them mumble and everything goes black again.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12-25-19

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