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Thea's POV

We are behind the doors of the church waiting for our time that Blake will walk me down the aisle.

"Do I have too?" I ask already knowing that the answer isn't going to change.

"If I call off this wedding now then the Italians will be humiliated and will seek war. As much as I hate to say it, we aren't as strong as them" Blake reminds me.

I don't say anything after that.

"Put on a smile it's our time now" Blake says taking ahold of my arm as the doors open for us.

I look up with a bright smile, holding the bouquet of white roses closer to me seeing all of the people who attended stand up at my presence.

"You're doing good. Don't even think about saying no when you're up there, understood?" Blake says in a low warning voice.

"I am not some stupid kid, Blake. I know what's at stake" I remind him sounding pissed off.

"Good. Now say I do and kiss and everything will be over with" He says as we come to a stop and leaves.

How did I not even catch a glimpse at the man I am suppose to marry when walking down the aisle?

I look forward to be enchanted by the dark green eyes of the man in front of me. Immediately his eyes remind me of the forest surrounding my home back in California.

His eyes didn't hold any emotions and neither did mine.

I quickly look him up and down noticing that he is nothing as I thought he would be.

He is tall standing at about over 6 foot, silky smooth brown hair that makes me want to run my hand through it nicely pushed back, a jaw that seems so sharp that might even cut you just by touching it, tanned skin, and muscular built. He's like a walking god.

My eyes return back to his, he looks mad and annoyed once he hears the father begin.

"We are here ga-"

"Can you just cut to the I do's?" The man ask impatiently. The father just sighs before beginning again.

"Would you Mason Del Rey take Thea Castillo as you're lawfully wedded wife?" The father ask handing me and the man, Mason, golden weeding bands.

"I do" he says with an annoyed tone as he forcibly gets my hand and slips in the ring.

I want to roll my eyes so bad at this. Here I was thinking he was a walking god.

"Do you Thea Castillo take Mason Del Rey as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I say slipping on Masons ring on his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride"

We look at each other for a split second before he steps closer to me and smashes his lips on mine holding me by my waist.

I start to feel something in my stomach that I don't know what it is or what's causing it.

"I now pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Del Rey" the fathers voice booms out snapping us out of our make out session.

He takes a few steps back as the crowd starts clapping.

I glance back at Mason to see him looking at some Blonde girl. She's pretty but you can tell she's been under the knife.

Not that I'm judging.

Everyone starts to clear out and as soon as they do Mason just disappears off somewhere.

I'm just left there before Jake comes up to me and guides me to his car not uttering a single word.

"Where are we heading too?" I ask after 20 or so minutes of Jake driving in silence.

"Blake didn't fill you in on any of the wedding arrangements did he?" Jake ask.

"Nope nada" I say earning a loud sigh from him.

"We are headed to the Del Reys Vacation home for the reception. Certain people are allowed to go to it since the Del Reys hate having unfamiliar people at there place" Jake informs and I just nod as I stare out into the window.

Why did the blonde girl that was at the church seem so familiar?

Why do you care? Just think about the business you can open there.

"What's with the look?" Jake glances at me before turning back to the road.

"What look?" I ask innocently.

"You have a huge smile on your face, you never smile" he says and I laugh.

"I'm think about how I get to officially start business over there" I say and he laughs.

"You know there is great talk about the Russians showing up to the party" Jake says and I look over at him.

"Why? They never come out unless it's important" I say confused as to why they will show up.

"Most likely is that they will discuss a business deal"

"Interesting" I mumble.

"It will be good to see an old friend don't you think?" Jake ask me to which I stay quiet.

It's been too long since the last time I saw them.

"We're here" Jake announced. I look around and see that trees are surrounding everything and there is just a big gate blocking us from entering.

"Name" I hear someone ask and I turn to see a guard.

"Jake Castillo"

The guard glances at me and then turns to shout something at another guard who opens the gate for us.

After a few minutes of driving off to what seem nowhere a house... well more like a castle came into view.

"Is this a mansion or a damn castle?!" I exclaim already feeling like Jake is rolling his eyes at me.

"Any weapons on you?" Jake ask and I smile at that.

"Always" I say and I see the corner of his lips twitch up as the car stops.

Looking ahead I see the cars parked out and people starting to go in the Castle looking house.

"Let the night begin" I hear Jake mutter and with that we both get out of the car.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter Don't forget to comment and vote

Edited: 12/18/19

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