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Thea's POV

I eat my burger as Mason is just staring at me from across the table.

"Wants some?" I ask not knowing what he wants from me. He just stares at me before snatching the rest of my burger and my mouth drops open.

"You will answer my questions truthfully and I will give you back the rest of your burger" Mason says closing my mouth.

I narrow my eyes at him but still agree to it because I'm hungry.

"Why was i informed that you were trying to leave the state before the house was under attack?" Mason says as I just sip on my drink.

"I was planning on visiting my brother" I say setting my soda down.

"Why did you jump out of the window, Thea? You could have had major injuries if it weren't for Luis" He says and that's when I realized that his eyes have soften before they go hard again.

"I didn't know who he was. For all I know he could have just tried to harm me" I say subconsciously playing around with the engagement ring.

"Do you know of anyone who could have harmed you?" Mason then ask.

"You were just a mission. You honestly believe that I would want to be friends with you freaks?"

"You guys were the reason for my sisters death"

"This is how the fallen angels die"

"I am considered as the mafia princess by many. Of course I'll have many enemies" I say looking off I to the distance not wanting to talk about it anymore.

I'm not even hungry anymore.

Mason sets down the burger onto my plate but I push it back.

"I am going to bed, goodnight" I say already leaving.

Going up the stairs and into my room I immediately fall asleep. I think it's because of all the medicine they gave me or else I would have lasted 2 hours just trying to just fall asleep. unless it was with someone I trusted.

I only got an hour of sleep before I was woken up by footsteps.

"Doctor told me to check up on you every hour" Mason says standing next to my bed with my safety blanket.

He sets the blanket next to me and I immediately start to cover myself with it. I see him about to leave and I know I'm not going to b enable to go back to sleep "wait"

He turns to me expecting for me to say something.

"Can you... stay with me just for tonight?" I ask and I see his whole expression change making me fee something that i haven't felt in a long time.

I felt nervous.

"Sure" he says and I make room for him as he stays at the far corner.

I start to make myself comfortable and I start to feel my lids start to feel heavy.

You really aren't as bad as I thought, Mason. I thought before I slowly start to give into the darkness.

Maybe it was the medicine talking but i feel like I've know him before. I just don't know from where.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12/26/19

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