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Thea's POV



Who the fuck is ringing my door at 3:00am

I go downstairs seeing the Mac and Luke passed out in the couch. I guess Mason sent someone to carry them in here?



"Are you gonna get that?" I hear Mac mutter in his sleep.

Rolling my eyes I open the door and see Blake. I close the door and go into the kitchen to see Andy and Jake raiding my fridge.

We just stare at each other before I just sigh.

"Jake your father is here" I say which makes his face go cold.

I turn back ready to go back to my room but behind me was Blake. Looking past him I see Mason near the door.

"What do you want it's 3 in the morning?" I ask Blake and he just ignores me.

"Who eats at 3 in the morning?" Blake ask hearing Andy eating his food.

"Who comes to someone's house at 3 in the morning?" I ask Blake and he just rolls his eyes.

"What do you want Blake?" Jake demands him this time.

"I wanted to talk-"

"At 3 in the morning? Couldn't this wait until morning?" I interrupt earning a glare from him.

"We have to talk about your manners. You shouldn't be slamming a door in people's faces but that's a story for another time" Blake says.



Dad opens his office door looking down at me with an annoyed look.

"What do you want, Thea?" He ask.

"I just wanted to ask if you can make it to my skating competition" I say looking down feeling stupid for asking.

"I have a busy schedule. Next time don't bother asking" he says slamming the door close on me.

You want to talk about manners now?

I wanted to say something but Jake gave me the look to calm down. I mentally count to 10 wanting to calm my anger down from what Blake has just said.

"Andy" Blake says and Andy walks out of the kitchen already knowing the routine. "I want to talk to you guys about something"

"Is this important?" Jake ask and Blake nods.

"I have finally found your mother" Blake says making my heart drop.

We were just staring at him like he's grown two heads.

"That's the important thing you wanted to talk about?" Jake ask rolling his eyes.

Blake then looks at me and I just shrug.

He found our mother? Am I suppose to be happy?

We were blamed for her death for years. Does he seriously expect us to be happy?

"Isn't she dead?" I yawn wanting to go back to sleep.

"I expect you guys to be at the house in the afternoon. You two better be on your best behavior" Blake says pissed off before he left.

I look over at Jake seeing that he seems rather calm. He looks over at me as if I was as fragile as glass.

"What did you guys do this time?" Andy says walking into the kitchen.

"Apparently our mother is back from the dead" Jake says and Andy looks over at me concerned.

"Don't make a mess. I am headed to bed" I say leaving the kitchen and back into my room.

I don't want to deal with this right now.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote

Edited: 1/11/20

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