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Masons POV

(Before Thea was found)

"How have they've been since we've last seen them?" I ask Andy and Luke once that car starts moving.

Luke ignores me as him and Luis are doing their hacking.

Andy gives me a side look before just looking forward.

"You mean how has she been doing?" Andy ask and I nod.

"The last time you saw her we were 12. She had just lost her memory's about all of us except for what happened to her and Jake. After that it went downhill in the upcoming years. Now where here" Andy says and I can see his hands balled up into fist.

What happen to you, Marshmallow? You were always a ray of sunshine and rainbows.... now your all cloudy and storms.

"We finally tracked down her jewelry. It's in the same location they seem to be at right now" Luis informs. All I do is nod again and sit back waiting to go and kill those son of a bitches that thought it was a good idea to pull this type of stuff.

After Jake informed me about the shadows problem I have Mac investigate the whole thing. Especially Christopher Hills leader of the gang.

My phone buzzes and I look over at it to see a text message from Amanda. I ignore it and decide to turn off my phone.

"We know about your kid, Mason" Andy says making me tense up.

I look up at him not showing any emotion. He just sits there calmly.

"I know you've been trying to look for her ever since your ex wife disappeared with her. We won't tell Thea because that would be fucked if we did" Andy says and that's when I lose it.

"Then why the fuck did you bring it up in the first place?" I ask and he just stays calm. That's the only thing I despite about the Castillo's. They can all stay calm in the middle of chaos.

"You should tell her. I know Thea may come of as stupid or just plain rude but she has strong connections to much more powerful people around the globe, not even Jake has connections to them. She can help you find her all you have to do is trust her" He says shutting the conversation.

I start to think of Dominic but I already know that Thea has deep connections to much more people then Jake.

The bigger question is should I trust her?

"Friends forever?" Marshmallow ask with her eyes wide giving me a puppy face.

I smile at her. "Friends forever"


We pull far away from an abandoned building surrounded by men guarding it.

"They are definitely in there" Luke says putting on his bullet proof vest.

"They are waiting on the signal" Andy reminds me and I scout the area once more.

They weren't that much men guarding the outside and I doubt that Micheal and Noah have anyone inside. From what I've herd is that they like to work alone.

"Now!" I shout and Luke does a signal to the others. I fire the first few shots killing about 5 guards as more shots follow soon.

"Cover me" I say to Mac and I soon make my way inside the building. Their was no one in here.

What the

I hurry up the stairs and that's when I see a man hiding in the shadows.

"Show yourself" I demand pointing my gun to them and that's when he gets out of the shadows with his hands up on the air.

It was the guy from the video Micheal.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mason" He says and in one swifts he try's to pull out a gun but I beat him to it and shoot him on the shoulder.

"Don't kill him just yet" I hear Luke from behind me.

"Give me a good fucking reason why I shouldn't?" I say showing no sign of me lowering my gun.

"Jake wants to deal with them and so does Thea" Luke says making me confused on the last part.

She would never harm someone on purpose.

"She's not the same person you met Mason. She's changed and I don't know if it was for the better or for the worst" Luke says in a sad tone.

"Now go and find her"

With one last look at Micheal who is now being treated by Luke I leave entering the only room upstairs.

Thea is chained to the ceiling by her hands almost up in the air as who I am guessing is Noah punching her like a punching bag.

I run over to him and hit him with my gun knocking him out.

As I was about to shoot him dead I remember the words Luke had said.

Looking over at Thea I see that she's already unconscious.


I look in the pockets of Noah and find the keys unlocking the chains while holding on to her so she won't fall to the floor.

As I was holding onto her I felt the cuts on her back making me even more pissed then before.

"Don't worry, marshmallow. I'm here" I whisper in her ear even though I know she won't be able to hear me. 

Hearing the gunshots stop I get out of the room  carting Thea bridal style right as Andy was about to come in.

"He's just unconscious" I say already rushing downstairs to get Thea back to Jakes home as soon as possible.

"To the house quickly" I say to the man who was driving us. He looks at me unsure before he takes a look at Thea and immediately we are out of there.

"Inform Andy and Luke that we have already left" I say and he nods.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot a first aid kit and I get it to treat Thea's cuts as best as I can.

God I really hope this works.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 1/19/20

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