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Thea's POV

I get woken up by cold water thrown at me causing me to gasp for air.

Looking around i see my uncle standing in front of us.

"You guys look *Hiccup* terrible" He says sounding as if he wants to laugh. We don't say anything as we know that we'll only get a worst punishment.

I see him going behind us and uniting Jake. I look away not wanting to see what he's about to do to Jake.

"Don't worry, princess. You'll get one too" I hear as Jake screams for bloody murder.

I try to cover my ears with my shoulders but that doesn't do anything as I can still hear his cry's for it to stop.

Jake never screams that's what terrifies me.

I hear a thud and slowly I open my eyes to see Jake on the ground in front of me. He is laying on his stomach not moving but I know he's still alive because of the whimpering.

His shirt is raised and that's when my heart drops.

M.W was branded on his lower back as if he was some type of animal.

I start to be untied and I can hear my heart racing.

He pulls me up harshly and I see this bed in the back. He puts me their strapping me down and my shirt is lifted up.

"Be strong"

Jakes words ring through my head and I close my eyes.

"Your going to love this, princess"


I wake up screaming and then I stop when I realized that I'm in my room and not there anymore.

I close my eyes trying to get my heart to stop beating so fast.

My phone rings and I pick it up without even glancing at the caller ID.

"We caught him, Thea" Jake says and I know immediately who they are talking about. "Fly to California immediately"

It's been a week since they've left, a week since the attack.

Mason hasn't been around the house since the attack and security has been tight around the house.

I get up and go out into the balcony to be met by the cold New York breeze. It's 4 in the morning and I'm not planing on going to sleep any time soon.

I would call Mason but I don't have his number and if i go to his room he'll be pissed that I woke him at this time of day even if I could I don't even know where his room is.

It's not like I want to talk to the guy. After I asked him to stay in the room with me he acted like an asshole that morning.

I change into black high waisted ripped jeans and a grey hood paired up with my combat boots.

I don't pack anything this time as I know I have my own house to go to. Walking down the stairs I go into the kitchen and grab a glass of water.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" I hear from behind me.

Turning around I see Stephanie, one of the maids who has been checking up on me ever since I got back from the hospital.

"We all heard you scream and I was just concerned"

"I'm fine, just a nightmare and how many times have I told you to call me Thea" I say with a warm smile.

"Is Mason here?" I ask changing the topic and she nods.

"Can you show me to his room?" I ask and immediately she shakes her head in fear.

"The Boss won't let anyone go to his floor, not even that, that witch" She says and I let out a chuckle at that.

"Third of all Don't go to the third floor"

I guess I'm going to have a trip to the third floor.

"Go back to sleep, Stephanie. You'll need it later on" I say and she nods.

As I walk her out of the kitchen and see her walk off to her room I walk up the stairs to the third floor to try and find Mason.

Good thing that not even his men are allowed here.

Walking around in the dark i walk to the left to try and see if his room is somewhere there.

I enter a random room and immediately I know that this isn't his room. The walls are pink, it has a crib in here covered in pink sheets, a rocking chair in the corner of the room and besides that it has a night stand.

I get closer to the nightstand and see a picture frame. I take it from it's place and look to see that it has a woman in curly brown hair with a little girl with the same brown curls playing in what seemed to be this very same room.

Who are they?

I put it down and look inside the drawer only to find bows and hair ties. Looking around in the room I go through the other drawers that have baby clothes and pampers.

I leave to room with a million questions racing in my head.

Why does he have a nursery here? Who are they? What's going on? Who's the little girl? Who's the girl in the picture? Where are they?

"What are you doing here?!" I hear Mason shout at me. Turning my head to look at him and see that he's in basketball shorts and no shirt on letting the moon light reflecting his muscles.

"Oh um... I just wanted to ask if I can fly out to California for a few days" I say.

He doesn't say anything. All he does is come closer to me making me curious on what he's planning to do.

"Be ready in 20 minutes. Next time don't you dare step foot on this floor" He says stopping besides me before leaving.

That went... well?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote

Edited- 01/02/20

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