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Thea's POV

A waitress comes in interrupting them as she quickly takes all of our orders.

"How do you two know her?" Mason ask with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

Why does he want to know about me?

"Liberty Boarding school" is all they say making it enough for me to start choking on my water.

Oh fuck

"You guys went there too?" I ask and they nod. "How old are you guys?"


So they must have been freshman when it was supposed to be our senior year.

Good thing me and Jake decided to do our education online after the accident. My guess is that the students were still talking about us that year.

"Our first day there, people kept on looking at us weird seeing as we tok our twins. It took a while until they realized we weren't as crazy as her and her twin"

"They even have a picture and names of them and their friend group on the board in the halls as an example of what not to be"

This is going to be embarrassing

The waitress comes back in setting our food down making my mouth water at the food.

"I am not paying for that" Mason whispers to me and I just shrug.

"It's not like I asked you too" I whisper back.

"What could it have been that they did that was so bad?" Gianna ask as soon as the waitress leaves. The two of them exchanged a look as I just start to dig into my steak.

"They pulled numerous pranks with their group of friends. I guess one of them went as far as to blow up the principals car, almost lit the dorm rooms on fire, and supposedly they would start fights with whoever looked at them wrong" Alberto explains.

They got all of them right except for the last one.

"This can all be made up. Thea looks too sweet to be doing that" Gianna says trying to defend my honor.

"Principal Warren has a bullet scar on his right shoulder. He told us at orientation" Alize says and Gianna turns to me a bit surprised.

Now that one is true.

"Is this all true?" Gianna ask me.

"Picking on people to fight was at something we did but other then that yes, it is true" I say putting my napkin down.

The whole dinner went by fast. No one was talking just eating and true to his words Mason made me pay for my own food.

"We will see you soon" Mr. Del Rey says after we all bid goodbyes.

We get in the car and immediately drive off.

"I'm going on a business trip for 3 months too. I'll be leaving tomorrow" Mason announces and all I do is nod.

This makes everything easier for me

"And your going with me" he then glances at the rearview mirror Making us do eye contact as I see a smirk grow on his face.

"Oh Thea, did you think I was talking to you? I was talking to Amanda" he says with a smirk.

"Okay" is all I say as my face went back to my usual scowl as almond giggle.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12-25-19

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