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Thea's POV

"Lucas don't go that far!" I shout after him, who was chasing  after something.

"LUCAS" I yell running as fast as I can.

I soon see him fall to the ground clutching onto his chest.

"LUCAS" I yell running to him.

"Mom" He whispers and I start to shout at someone to call the hospital.


I space off as people pass by me. I just wait and wait.... and wait until I hear some news from the doctors.

Finally a doctor called me over. I stood up and went over to him as fast as possible.

"Esta bien?" I ask and he looks up from his clipboard.

(Is he okay?)

"Por el momento, si. Desafortunadamente... encontramos que tiene cancer en el corazon" He says.

(At the moment, yes. Unfortunately we found out that he has heart cancer)

Once those words left his mouth I felt like the world just took another blow at my heart from behind.

Just when I was starting to pick the pieces back up.

Everything else that came out of his mouth was just foreign to me.


"Stay strong my little warrior don't leave me yet! DOCTOR" I shout and I feel the tears leave my eyes.

No no no.

Not yet.

"Lucas, don't you dare close your eyes!" I shout.

"I love you mama" was the last words he said to me as I saw the life in his eyes start to disappear and his hand goes limp letting go of me.

"Don't leave me yet my little warrior" I whisper against his head, holding him.

That's when the doctors come in and just look at me in sympathy.

"LUCAS" I yell.

Gasping for air I wake up in a panic and to my head pounding.

Feeling my face wet I go to wipe my face off only to feel my eyes water.

Looking around the room I notice that I'm in the living room downstairs. I was in one of the couches while Miranda was passed out on the floor and Dorthy was in the bean bag.

I force myself up and look out of the window to see it's just about to be sunrise.

I go upstairs to my floor, grabbing my safety blanket, and out into one of the balconies.

I put my leg up over the railing and slide my way over to the roof to see the sunrise.

I take a deep breath enjoying the morning air enjoying the sight right now.


"Yes, Lucas?" I say looking up at him before going back to typing away.

"Can we go to the park?" Lucas says holding out a soccer ball.

I smile at the memory but soon it disappears at the events that followed.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I hear from behind me almost causing me to fall off the roof.

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