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Thea's POV

It's 4 in the afternoon and Im right outside of Blake's house. The house that I despite the most.

I haven't been here since my first year of boarding school.

When we were allowed to go back home me and Jake would go with Dominic, Marcelo or back to Mexico to spend time with Abuelita. But never here.

"You going in or not?" Mason ask already ahead of me. I roll my eyes and start walking.

Jakes car is here so I'm assuming he's already here.

Walking up the steps of the house I take in a deep breath and Mason opens the doors to reveal the living room.

Upon entering the room you can see the two grand staircase. Under the staircases there are three large portraits.

I go up the portraits. The first portrait was the one I would stare at the most. It was a large painting of our mother smiling while holding me and Jake as new born baby's. Blake was right besides her smiling as well and in the corner it's a small photo of the actual picture.

The second portrait was of Blake pushing us both in the swing sets with our mother looking from afar. You can see the smile in all of our faces.

The third portion was a family portrait. It was Blake and our mother behind me and Jake. We were all smiling.

"You seem to had it all" I hear Mason say from besides me. I don't bother looking over at him as we continue to walk.

We walk away down the hall where there's portraits of my grandfather and Abuelita smiling. The next was another but it was my uncles, Blake, a black haired girl, and my grandparents.

When you reach the end of the hall there was a different portrait of my mother, father and of us. Then right besides It was a different family portrait. This time it was Me, Jake, and Blake. No mom. You can see it in our eyes how dull they were. A chill ran down my spine of how everything changed after her "death".

"Does it still look like I had it all" I say looking away from the portrait and walk into the living room and see that they are all here.

My uncles Leo and Nick, their wife's Mia and Lia, Jake, and my cousins Luke and Andy.

(Lia is Leo's wife and Mia is Nicks Wife. Andy is Leo's and Lia's son and Luke is Nicks and Mia's son)

Mia and Lia look over at me with a cold expression that I got used to.

"How are you doing, Mija?" My uncle Leo says giving me a tight hug.

(Mija- Daughter. It makes more sense in Spanish)

My uncle Leo has always been a father figure for me after Blake turned a cold shoulder on us.

"I'm doing good, Tío" I say catching my breath from the tight hug.

(Tío- Uncle)

"Did your father tell you what we're doing here?" My uncle Nick ask annoyed.

"Unfortunately" I say going to stand besides Jake and in comes walking Blake with a blonde haired lady behind him.

"Blake if you wanted to show off you're new you then you could have just saved us the time and sent a text" Lia says rolling her eyes. Leo gives her a side glare to which she stopped.

The lady looks at me with wide eyes and runs over to me and embraces me and Jake in a hug. I hear her muttering incoherent words as I start feeling my shirt get wet.

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