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Thea's POV

After yesterday's "family reunion" we were told that we will all be meeting for Lunch the next day.

Now We are currently all eating at a private booth at one of Masons restaurants.

I was seated between Giana who was on my left and Alyssa who was on my right.

"I've been meaning to ask" Melissa finally speaks up making all heads turn to her.

"What are you kids planning?" Melissa says with hints of accusation in her voice that she tried to cover.

I can tell that she try's not to look at anyone in particular but I notice that whenever she looks at me she lingers for some time before looking at the rest.

What is she getting at?

"I'm heading down to the grand opening of my latest hotel, I have around 2,000+ people booked already" I say sipping on my wine right after

Hey Im not lying. I'm just telling half the truth.

"At what time?" She ask and I can tell Diego is shifting in his seat.

"Around 4" I say putting my wine glass down.

"Sound exciting. can I come?" She ask interested and I see her lips twitching upwards.

Anyone would have just took it as her trying to get some bonding time but we are Castillo's for a reason.

Because we all have a trick up our sleeves

"Of course you can, honey" I say in the most sweetest tone that I see her eyes widen a bit before going back to normal.

For a Castillo she is really bad at hiding her facial expressions.

"We have to make it quick though. I was invited to a charity event with Jake,Andy and Luke later tonight" I say as I continue to eat and I see her eyes narrow down on me.

"What is this event about?" She ask with a slick smile but as soon as I saw it, it was gone.

I guess she's really trying to brake me.

"It's an Auction that will donate all of its founds to children's hospital" I reply with.

"Oh what a coincidence, we were invited as well" Gianna says intervening as she gives a look of questioning at her old best friend, Gianna.

"We should all go together!" Gianna adds in.

"As lovely as that offer sounds Mrs.Del Rey. My brothers and I have already made plans to go together" I say.

Yes I know Andy and Luke are our cousins but we treat each other as Siblings rather then cousins.

"Oh" she says and I see Leo and Abuelita give me proud smiles and I give them a small smile back.

"Why are you so interested on going to this event Thea? I mean you do have a reason right?" Melissa ask raising an eyebrow seeing as if she'll get anything out of me.

Blake then puts his drink down with force making a Loud noice boom out catching everyone's attention.

"That's enough Melissa, you've been here for less the 24 hours and your already causing trouble" Blake says pissed off.

"It's okay, Blake. To answer your question, I do have a reason to attend this charity. It means a lot to me to attend this charity because I had lost someone very dear to my heart two years ago to leukemia" I say and I see Melissa instantly regret her decision of asking.

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