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Thea's POV

I wake up in a different room. I was still chained to the wall but this time in a much more dirtier place and this place I'm facing the wall.

"Are you still waiting for your night and shinning armor?" Micheal taunts from somewhere in the room.

"Psh. Are you still trying to convince yourself that Elizabeth isn't gone?" I taunt back only earning me another whipping to my back.

Ah now I remember why I'm facing the wall.

I don't make a sound I just take it in not wanting to let them know that I've finally cracked.

"Noah what's going on over there with the programming?!" Micheal yells at Noah only causing another fight between the two.

They would always fight. The only one that made peace between the both of them was... it was Elizabeth.

"I know that you guys miss her" I say out of the blue causing them to stop arguing. "I miss her too, you know? In another circumstance then we could have just been normal cousins-"

At the mention of us being related I earn another whipping.

Micheal abruptly stops whipping me and I take that as my cue to say what I was going to say.

"You guys didn't have too follow your fathers instruction. I know that all three of you guys were there that day he took us when we were 12. Me and Jake would hear your interesting conversation that you guys had. I had to kill her. That's how it is in this world" I say and I guess that didn't settle with them as they start whipping me with something even more harsher. I think this whip has metal.

After a few more whips I start to scream not taking it anymore as they continue.

"are you going to finally tell us what the plans are with all three mafias?" Micheal says and I shake my head. He whips me once again, and again, and again, and again.

I start getting used to it after a while making me just feel numb. Micheal didn't like that though.

Micheal starts to make my chains higher and now I'm basically standing on my toes.

"Noah you better have some good news by the time I come back" Micheal says leaving.

Feeling my arms start to hurt more I just look down.

"I know you don't want to be apart of your family business anymore" I say. he doesn't respond. "You are just in here because of your father and siblings"

"I suggest you keep it quiet before i do something worst then what Micheal has done to you" Noah warns but all I do I chuckle.

"Ugh please, don't make me laugh-" I yelp as I feel a few punches on my back as if i were a punching bag.

Keeping in my screams all I do is grunt here and there until he finally stops.

"If you were going to use me as your personal punching bag then the least you can do is turn me around to face me you coward. You've always been a coward, Noah. You and your brother and your sister-" earning a few more punches I'm finally being turned around and now all I see is my vision switching between black and blurry.

"All your father showed you to do is to fight people from behind. I wouldn't have expected the least from someone who has tortured a child" I say and even through my blurry vision I see his confused face.

"Do you even know why you guys were set out to kill me and Jake?" I ask fighting back from ending up unconscious.

I start to laugh once I'm met with silence.

"Look at my back, Noah. Look at the initials that were forever marked on me when I was 12 like I was some type of animal" I say looking at him in disgust.

"So it wasn't a dream" I hear him mutter to himself.

It wasn't a dream?

What the hell does he mean by that?

"Turning into your old man now huh?" I ask wanting to trigger him before my body decides a to give out.

Something switches in his eyes and he starts to use me as a punching bag. He didn't hear the gunshots nearby. It's like something triggered him and he isn't in his head right now.

Everything goes blurry as all of a sudden the punching stops. I feel my body being dropped. I try to get up but I just couldn't.

Why can't I move? I hate this feeling.

I feel the weight off my hands. I roll over to my stomach and try to get up but I just can't.

I close my eyes and each time I blink my lids feel heavier and heavier. My head starts spinning and all at ounce I feel pain everywhere. I feel myself being lifted up and I start to hear the shouting again. I can't make out what they are saying as everything just stops and all I can see is darkness all over again.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 1/15/20

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