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Thea's POV

I thought tonight I was going to sleep in all day and night.


Mason just had to drag me out of the house after I got dressed from showering.

Now I'm currently sitting in Masons passenger seat with a tank top, a zipped up red sweater, joggers, my vans and my glasses with no makeup heading to god knows where in the middle of the night.

"Where are we heading?" I ask him and I see him roll his eyes out of annoyance.

He's also in some joggers with vans but instead of a tank top like me he has a black t-shirt and some sweater.

The shirt defined his abs that hid underneath and let me tell you-


He also has his glasses on which made him look like a nerd.

A cute nerd


"For the last time I'm not telling you" he says which makes me roll my eyes at him this time.

"It's dark" I comment.

"It'll be wowed if we were to see sunlight at night" he says.

"Boy if you don't-"

"Look!" He says pointing ahead while parting.

It was the beach and I was smiling while looking out the window like a little kid just being told that they're going to toys r us.

We come to a stop and Just as I was about to rush outside mason grabs my wrist and signals me to wait.

I watch him get out of the car and go over to my side and opens the door for me.

He take my glasses off and he puts a blind fold on me.

"Whoa there buddy. What the hell are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you" Mason reassures me and takes my cold hand on his on his warm ones and try's to lead me somewhere But i stay put.

"Common Thea" he says tugging at my hand and he sees that I'm not budging.

"Do you trust me?" He ask with a sigh letting go of me.

Do I?

Do I trust Mason?

I have a million reasons not trust him yet for some reason there was a little voice telling me to trust him even though the other voices were yelling reasons at me not to trust him.

I sigh and try to find his hand again.

"Lead the way" I say once he takes my hand again and We soon start walking further ahead.

I can't explain it but there was sudden shift in the air after I said that. It was a good shift.

I don't know for how long we've been walking but we finally come to a stop and he takes off the blindfold.

I start to see blurriness from the blindfold and me not having my glasses.

But from what I form out was a table with candles lit and some red stuff around it that look like blood.

Rubbing my eyes I look again and see stars.

Did I rub too hard?

"So what do you think about it?" Mason ask and for once I hear him sound nervous.

The Arrangement (Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now