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Thea's POV

The next day

It's mid noon and me and Sierra are hanging out in the pool.

Sierra and I are passing the ball inside and I was surprised that she knew how to swim.

I throw the ball somewhere fall and she goes to get it.

I take this time to dive under and swim towards her.

I hear her muffle shouts for me and then that's when I hear a different voice.

Who is that?

Immediately I swim to the surface behind her.

"Who is that?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"You scared me mommy!" Sierra says and embraces me in a hug wrapping her legs around me.

Okay now I feel bad.

"Oh I'm sorry, Bumblebee" I say taking her and looking up to see Luis looking down at us with a blank face.

"Oh it's just you" I say while Sierra is still holding onto me even tighter then before.

"Promise you won't leave" She whispers to me and I can hear the crack in her voice.

It reminded me of when I found her in the parka Dan it all starts to make sense.

"I won't ever leave, promise" I whisper back to her hugging her tight too.

"Uncle Lu is here by the way" Sierra says and I smile at that nickname.

"Ahh yes, I see that he's standing there...looking like a dork" I say, whispering the last part to her which made her laugh.

I think he heard because he is now glaring at me which I just give him an awkward smile.

"Mason couldn't get ahold of you and made me Come by to inform you to be ready by 8" Luis says now looking at us blankly.

I look at him confused while getting Sierra out of the pool.

"I left my phone inside. What do I have to get ready for again?" I ask confused.

"Dinner with his parents" He says turning around.

"Oh" is all I say before getting out of the pool and quickly wrapping a towel over myself and Sierra.

"I'm going to see Nana and Pops?!" Sierra ask excitedly while jumping up and down.

"They are just as excited as you are, Nugget" Luis says turning around and looking down at Sierra with a soft look in his eyes.

"Yay! Mom hurry we need to get dressed!" She says already running inside.

"don't run you'll-


fall" I say cringing at her fall before she gets back up.

"I'm fine!" She shouts before speed walking.

"Ay esta chamaca va ser la rason que me va salir las pelos blancos" I mutter in Spanish before walking inside.

(This girl is going to be the reason I'll get white hairs)

"Thanks for telling me!" I shout behind me.

When I get inside I check my phone to see that I had 2 missed calls from Mason.

Hmm I guess that's why he had Luis come over.

I check the time and see that it's 4:38pm.

"I think we have more then enough time to get ready" I mutter but Sierra was already running to go shower.

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