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Thea's POV

I was finally back in my office and I thought today was going to be more interesting.

All I'm doing now is filling paperwork and watching people pass by.

I think back to what happened last night and I feel myself go red at the thought of it.

After a few hours there we drove back home and continued the party there.

I pop a candy in my mouth as I'm filling out one of the many stacks of paperwork's that I dread so much right now.

That's when I get a call and I felt relived upon hearing it.

It was like music to my ears.

"Que paso?" I ask sounding a bit annoyed.

I can't let them know that I was excited over them calling.

"You'll have to act now. They are onto me" I hear from Octavio before her hangs up.

I stay like that for a while with the phone pressed to my ear still not registering what Octavio just said.

If I act now my original plan will be thrown out the window.

I hear a knock and then the door open "Mrs. Del Rey, your brother is here" my assistant says

"Let him in" I mutter slowly putting my phone down.

The door stays open before it suddenly closes and I turn to see Jake now standing there.

"We said to lay low" Jake says with a clenched jaw.

"I am" I say back still wondering if the other plan will work out.

"Then why are you out of your home?" Jake ask slightly annoyed.

"Because you guys said it's fine?" I say wondering where he's going with this.

"Come with me now" Jake says in a low serious voice.

I knew when he spoke in that tone that I shouldn't push his buttons..... but I did it anyway.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on" I say standing my ground and that's when I see him walking fast towards me.

Here lies the grave of a dumb ass who thought standing my ground would be the best thing to do right now.

"I am still your boss. So Don't. Ever. Question. Me. Again. Got it?" Jake says glaring at me while gripping my arm tight

"Understood, boss" I say lowering my glaze  knowing that getting on Jakes bad side isn't the best idea right now.

That's when Jake drags me out of my office and getting weird looks from my employees all the way into shoving me into his car.

The whole ride back home was silent and somehow I knew this was connected to the call that I got from Octavio.

I think this is the most tense I've seen Jake in a hot minute.

Once we pulled into the house and getting out we were surrounded by Elijah and his men as they patted us down.

I look ahead and notice that there are more men around the house as well as out in the forest.

Elijah gave them a slight nod before we were ushered inside and into Masons study room.

"Now that you've gathered us can you tell me why?" Mason says as we got into the room.

Looking a round the room everyone seemed tensed.

"I got a call while I was heading to the airport. Two of my big shipments from the Russians were hijacked and then two of my warehouses in Mexico were bombed" Jake says.

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