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Thea's POV

Looking down at the necklace that Mr. G had given me yesterday I smile knowing who'd I give this too.

The front door swings open and in comes a cheerful Sierra skipping over to me.

"Momma guess what I learned today!" Sierra exclaims with a wide smile.

"What did you learn?" I ask and she starts explaining how caterpillars turn into butterflies.

"I wish I knew how to fly" Sierra finally sighs out as she throws herself back onto the couch.

"I think that's what we all wish" I say noticing that Mason didn't come inside the house.

"Sierra?" I ask and she sits up.

"What happen, momma?" Sierra ask sounding worried.

"I want to give you something" I say showing her the key necklace I'm holding.

The key had little diamonds engraved onto it with her name. It looks like a regular necklace and you'd believe that it wouldn't open anything.

"It's pretty" she says and I smile.

"Your going to have to keep a big secret from everyone for me, Sierra" I say turning seriously. "Can you do that for me?"

"Yes" she says nodding her head.

"I'm going to give you this necklace. You see this key?" I ask and she nods.

"It opens a few doors in a hotel building called Bumblebees inc. on the top floor there's a penthouse that you can use as an escape for when you just need a brake when your older or if your in danger. You won't understand now but you will later" I say and I can see her scrunching you her eyebrows but nods either way.

She looks like Mason when she's confused.

I find it cute.

"It's going to be a hiding spot BUT you can't tell anyone where it leads too. If anyone ask where the key leads too just say it doesn't lead anywhere, okay?" I ask her seriously as I put it around her neck.

"I promise, Mommy" She says holding out her pinky and I hold out my pinky too, pinky promising what I just told her.

I take a deep breath.

"I might disappear sometimes. No matter what happens just remember, I'll always be with you" I say which probably made her more confused.

It isn't the first time there's been a bounty on my head. I never really cared about them since I didn't have anyone waiting for me back home to come to before.

I did for a year but that all came crashing down when my little warrior died.

I would be lying if I said I didn't instantly connect with Sierra. I just don't want to disappear one day without an explanation or a way for her to find me.

"Go change out of your uniform so we can catch up on our show" I say but she was already climbing up the stairs to her room.

All of a sudden I got a terrible headache making me fall to the ground.

What the hell is happening?

"Your pretty" I say to the pretty woman in front of me.

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