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Thea's POV

We all are currently now in Jakes Penthouse in New York. Andy just contacted us saying that they will arrive here soon.

Sitting up from the couch Gary pushes me back down making me roll my eyes.

"I'm fine" I mutter sitting back up. Gary glares at me but I don't care.

"Why is it when I'm with you Castillo's my life is always put in risk?" Marcelo voices his thoughts out loud.

We all stay silent at that comment knowing that he's just saying the truth.

I'm just chilling in my sweats and hood while Gary starts to bring us all our breakfast.

"The better question is Did we just survive off of chocolate while being stranded in an island?" Marcelo ask for the thousand time.

"Can you shit up already? You talk too much" Jake says glaring at him.

The door slams open and I see River there with what looks like a terrifying look on. She looks like a little kid who just got pissed off.

She scans the room before her eyes fall on me.

Why is she giving me that look though?

She starts to match towards me and I glance at Marcelo not knowing what she's going to do.

She then grabs me by my collar making me stand up and slaps me.

Okay maybe I deserved that for dragging Marcelo along.

"Yeah it was nice to see you again too" I say.

River was about to go for another slap but gets stopped by Marcelo. Seeing him try to calm her down by pushing her even closer to him makes my heart feel heavy.

I don't belong here, right now.

Making my way to the balcony I look down at the busy streets on New York finding peace there.

I ripped her brother away from her and I almost took away her husband and the dad of her baby away from her. She has the right to feel like what she feels right now.

"It's all your fault"

"You should have died not her"

"Get the fuck away from us"

I start looking over the edge to see how much of a deep fall it is.

23 floors

"Just kill yourself"

"I guess this is how the fallen angles end"

I snap out of it as I inhale a deep breath of air.

I go back inside ignoring everyone and go to the elevator pushing the button to go to the lobby.

the elevator doors open again at a random level to reveal a man in a suit enter the elevator and presses the lobby button again.

He's hot......

But not as hot as mason.


The whole way down i just wanted to get off this elevator.

As soon as I get off the elevator I leave the building already feeling as if someone was following me. Slipping into an alley I lean back into a wall and put my hood up.

I wait there for a few minutes before I see the same guy from the elevator pass by looking around for someone.

After I wait there for a few more minutes just to make sure no one else comes looking for me I make my way down the alley.

About a good 10- 20 minutes pass where I'm just wondering around before I find a small park.

Walking over to the bench I sit down and watch the very few kids here playing on the playground.

shivering from the cold morning breeze I put my hands in my pockets trying to get enough warmth.

Why is New York so damn cold?

"Hi" I hear a little squeaky voice say. I look in front of me to see a little girl with the biggest green eyes and curliest hair I've ever seen.

"Hi" I say awkwardly.

For some reason she looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

"Your eyes are pretty. I wish I had your eyes. Mother says that mines are the colors of boogers." She says startling me.

"How old are you?" I ask ignoring her comment.

"I'm this much" she says holding up 6 fingers. I start to look around for any parents but the only ones I see are the ones playing with their kids.

"Are you here by yourself?" I ask and her eyes start to water.

"Mother took me...away from dad. She said...she didn't want me anymore" She try's to say with tears already running down her cheeks.

I instantly feel anger but I don't show it since I don't want to scare her. Instead I pull her into a hug to which she reluctantly leans into.

"How about I take you with me?" I ask without even thinking.

For some reason I already feel attached to this little girl.

She looks up at me with a bright look on her face.

"Can you help me find my dad?" She ask excitedly and that's when I notice the bruise on her cheek.

At this point I'm boiling but I don't show it not wanting to scare her.

"Yes, I'll help you find your dad" I say and she gives me a tight hug making me cringe due to the wounds.

I sure hope that her father is easily to locate.

She finally lets go and I stand up holding her hand.

Did I seriously ask her to take her home but not ask her name?

"What's your name, again?" I ask as she begins to starts skipping.

"Sierra, what's yours?" She ask curiously.

"Thea" I say

Throughout the whole way back to the penthouse I kept on thinking about Sierras parents.

Why did her mom leave her at the park instead of an orphanage? What happens to her dad?Why does she call her mom, mother? Did her mom cause the bruise?

What I couldn't quite get out of my head is if her dad is still alive and if I'm able to find him.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited: 2/12/20

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