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Thea's POV

The next few days I've been avoiding Mason by hiding every place in the house that I know Mason doesn't go to.

I am laying on a couch in the library that I just found a few hours ago while exploring the west wing of the house.

When I found the library I was so happy and excited that I immediately closed my eyes and started walking around until I choose a random book.

I'm surprised I didn't fall while I was walking around the room blindly.

I've already gone through 3 books and now I'm just laying on the couch thinking about whether or not I should start doing paperwork.

Suddenly I hear heavy footsteps coming close to the library.

Me being in a panic I put a blanket and pillows over myself.

"What do you mean it's tonight?" I hear what seems to be Masons voice.


"I was just informed this morning" I hear another voice say as they enter.

I think that was Luis .

Should I just pretend I didn't hear and I was on my phone.



I get my phone out and put in my earbuds and go to Netflix.

All of a sudden I hear them go quiet and walk slowly to where I am.

I click on a random show and that's when the blankets are ripped off of me.

I look up to see Mason with the blankets in his hand looking furious.

"You need something?" I ask taking off my earbuds.

I guess this got him more furious since he grabs me by my arm and pulls me up aggressively.

This only gets me mad as I put my phone away.

"What are you doing in here?"Mason ask pissed off as he grips onto my arm more.

"I don't have to explain myself to you" I say trying to get out of his grip.

"I've warned you about coming to the third floor" He says in a low earning voice that sends chills down my spine as he pulls me closer.

His eyes are in a cloud of fury and I knew I shouldn't be testing his buttons but I did so anyways.

"Get your filthy hand away from me" I say finally snatching out of his hold and standing my ground.

"Just answer the god damn question, Thea" He demands looking down at me.

"What if I don't?" I ask crossing my hands over my chest.

"I'm not in the mood for these fucking games" He says and I can tell he was about to step closer that was until I felt like I was being lifted off the floor.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" I say kicking around trying to get out Luis's hold.

"He really isn't in the mood, Thea" he whispers but I can tell in his tone that he was amused.

He throws me into his shoulder and starts to walk while I'm still kicking and punching.

"This isn't over!" I shout to Mason as the door shuts closed in front of my face.

"When are you going to stop kicking and punching?" Luis ask sounding annoyed.

"When are you going to put me down?!" I shout at him and that's when I'm dropped to the floor followed by a loud thud.

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