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Thea's POV

Looking around the dark room I see Jake beat up tied to a chair and I start to panic knowing I'm next.

"Don't scream, Thea. It'll only satisfy him" Jake says lowly as the door opens to reveal him.

"It's your turn, Princess" My uncle says uniting me from the chair.

"Please don't hurt me" I beg tears already in my eyes only making him laugh.

"It was yours and your brothers fault my sister died, now you pay the consequences" He says dragging me to the room I dread the most.

"JAKE" I yell wanting him to protect me but I knew their wasn't anything he can do to protect me from this monster we called our Uncle.

"She may slip into a coma but we are-"

is someone dead?

"What the fuck do you mean she might slip into coma?!" I hear another person growl out.



Is that Mason?

I hear a beeping get louder and now I'm irritated by it cause it's annoying like I'm trying to sleep.

"Get more doctors in here!" someone yells.

I open my eyes, pissed off at the person who woke me up "Alright we get it Someone is about to die, but I'm trying to get some sleep so can y'all just be quiet?" I ask and close my eyes again trying to rest.

"Wait don't close your eyes!" The same man shouts and I take a deep breath in as I hear that the beeping has toned down.

I stood up and feel a sharp pain in my stomach but I ignore it.

I look around to see that I am in fact in a hospital room. Mason and two guys behind him with Jake, Andy and Luke here.

"Luke" I say and he turns to me. "I am your father"

"We get it Thea. Now shut up and tell us how you can't go a day without getting in the middle of danger" He says rolling his eyes.

I shrug and as soon as I do everything comes back to me of what happened.

"How long have I been out?"

"Just for the night" the doctor says. "I need for you to take it easy, you have been electrocuted multiple times and blunt force to the head. I am also aware that you jumped out of a two story building?"

"Ragazza matta" I hear a familiar voice say.

"You may have a few bruising on the wrist and that is all. Seeing that you were internally bleeding and almost flatlined I would have liked to keep you here but seeing that I am mad will be your personal doctor I will be letting you go and look after you at home. Any questions?" He ask and I shake my head no. "Then that will be all"

With that he leaves and I lay back down. I am guessing that he is Masons personal doctor since he knows what happened.

I then hear a growl come from somewhere.

Do they allow dogs in here?

"did you guys get a puppy?! Where is it?!" I say looking around as everyone laughs except for Mason who is glaring at me.

"What made you think that jumping out of a window for two story's up was the best solution?" Mason says sounding cal but just by the look in his eyes I see the anger in them.

"I didn't know who he was" I say looking at the same guy who was the person who most likely jumped out of the window with me.

He has a broken arm making me feel bad that he had to jump out to secure I land safely.



We both nod at each other and that's when I see the resemblance between him and Mason. Well not really just the deep green eyes gave it away.

"I knew that we should have gone instead. It wouldn't have freaked her out as much" Luke says and Jake glares at him to keep quiet.

This isn't our territory to call first shots and he knows this.

"We brought you spare clothes to change into. We'll be waiting outside and we will talk about this once we get home" Mason says setting down spare clothes as they all leave.

I get up slowly and start to put on the black sweats and a hood that smells like Mason. Why did he bring me his hood?

He smells nice.


Okay Thea stop sniffing his hood.

I look around for my shoes and slip on the shoes I had that night. Feeling my pockets I take out what seems to be 200 dollars and shrug.

I take a quick glance making sure I didn't forget anything and walk out. Immediately I see the guys talking to a group of cute nurses making me roll my eyes.

Standing next to Luis I start to pickpocket his keys and head out. I notice some of Masons men lingering around so I put my hood up just in case.

"Boss she is headed outside with a pair of keys" I hear and I brake out into a sprint only to get tackled again.

"Did you seriously tackle someone who just got out of the hospital?" I ask lifting my head up as the guy is still on top of me.

"Did you seriously had to brake out into a sprint?"

"Touché" i say as he gets off of me and helps me up. "We're you a football player before?"

He nods and walks away seeing as the guys were already in front of me.


I sigh and hand them over to Luke. "I just wanted some burgers" i mutter as Mason gets me by my arm gently which was surprising and walks me out.

"You heard the lady, Elijah" Mason says lighting up my whole mood.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Edited- 12-25-19

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