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Thea's POV

I am laying on Masons bed waiting to hear the first round of bullets coming in.

At any moment Christopher's men are going to burst in here and I'm just supposed to be pretending to be asleep.

That is if they even come at all.

My mind wonders off to Sierra and if she's okay right now.

My monitor slowly beeps and I start to take deep breaths to calm me down.

"Plans changed" Mason says bursting into the room.

"What happen?" I ask immediately standing up from the bed.

"Everyone is going to evacuate the house. Christopher is planning a blood bash" He says already taking me by the hand and dragging me behind him.

"What do you mean?!" I ask as we keep on speed walking down the stairs.

"It was Alessandra. The leek was Alessandra. Once I told her that they were after Sierra, she started to talk. They aren't just planning to go for Sierra. They are after You, Mac, Luis, and I and after everyone involved with us" He explains.

"That's a death wish!" I exclaim as Elijah and his men surround us while we walk outside.

"That's what I thought until I heard that he was getting the help of other people. Elijah is taking you to where Sierra is. We had to move her location." Mason says making my monitor start to beep again.

"Mason" I whisper turning to face him as they were about to put me in the car.

"Don't fight me on this, Pasithea. Please" Mason says clenching his fist.

I walk towards him and hug him tight.

"Don't leave.... not yet" I whisper to him as I felt my eyes water.

"I can't make you any promises but I'll try to come back for you guys" Mason says hugging me back.

He was holding me like I was made out of glass and I would shatter at any moment.

"Just a few days ago we were on the opposite sides of the stick saying it to each other" I say with a sad smile.

"We should get going now, Miss Pasithea. We don't have much time left, boss" Elijah says.

"Until I see you again" I say trying to hold back my tears.

"Until I see you again" Mason says and with that I go into the car.

Once I was in the car I was in the middle of two men speeding off to god knows where.

How can I feel like this for a man who has been and asshole to me?

I take a deep breath wanting the tears to go away before they dropped.

"It's okay if you want to let it out" Elijah says from the drivers side.

"I can't. There's people that i am meant to stay strong for" I say shaking my head as I look down.

"Don't worry, Miss. It's a long drive from here and if anyone in heat says anything I will serve you their hearts on a silver plate" Elijah says jokingly but I can tell in his tone that he was serious which made the men next to me shift in their seats.

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