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Thea's POV

Looking at the familiar road I start to smile knowing that I'm almost home.

"I got orders from Jake to drop you guys off at the warehouse and settle your stuff at your place" Jefferson, One of Blake's trusted men, says.

"Thats fine by me" I say and he nods.

We come to a stop and we get out and I thank him as he leaves.

The men surrounding the warehouse all nod at me and the guys as we make our way in. Instantly everyone goes quiet as they see me and I search the room to find Andy.

I walk towards him and he points to his left and I go there knowing that he'll talk to Mason, Mac and Luis.

"Everyone get back to work!" Luke shouts from upstairs and I give him a salute and he just nods at me.

Going into the only room that I know Jake is in talking to them I go in.

I see a bloody Jacob  chained to the wall with a chair Jake is sitting in with his back facing me.

"Long time no see, Butterfly" Jacob says smiling waiting for my reaction to the nickname that Brian used to call me.

I laugh as I close the door from behind me and look over at the table of weapons displayed. Some with fresh blood and others clean.

"I've told you, I had a surprise for you two" Jake says standing up and passing me my favorite whip to torture people with.


After our little chat I wouldn't worry about a dead man.

"Here is our boss" Luke says entering Jakes office with Mason, Mac and Luis behind him along with Andy.

I go back to cleaning my bloody hands in the bucket of water that has now turned into red water.

"Mason, Mac, Luis" Jake says greeting all three of them.

"Luke, Thea, why don't you show Luis the computer headquarters. Andy show Mac the shooting range" Jake says and us three nod.

I take the bucket and we leave those two to talk.

"You have a few blood spots" Luke comments and I stop walking to look at my reflection in one of the windows.


As we head outside I throw out the water into some roses and leave it there.

Catching up to the guys who are already inside the separate warehouse for hacking I go in and hear Luke already explaining our problem to Luis.

"I would love to discuss this further if no one is around" Luis says and that made me look up to see them looking at me.

"We have been encountering frequent attempts of the same source trying to hack into our system. I have tracked it down to the Shadows. We haven't intervened with them but I also know you guys have affiliations with them" Luke says playing around with the iPad ignoring Luis's comment.

Luis regards being ignored and looks as if he's in a deep thought as he looks at the screen.

"When did this start happening?" Luis ask.


Luis seems to be lost in even a deeper thought and then turns to me before I see something daw on him.

"I'm going to look into this as soon as we get back home" Luis says and then we go


Once we left the warehouse Jefferson took us back to my house where I watched a movie in the living room after showing the guys their rooms.

My house was not as big compared to Masons but it wasn't small either.

"What are you watching?" Mac ask plopping himself on the couch.

"Fast and furious" I say passing him some chips which he gladly takes.

"Have you ever raced before?" Mac ask interested.

"A few times" I say looking at the tv.

I'm never one for small conversation. I've always hated small talk.

"What are your thoughts on aliens" Mac ask and I look over at him.

"Don't even get me started on them" I say.

With what started on my opinion on aliens quickly turned into a full on argument about them.

2 hours later

My back is facing Mac and I'm looking at the wall pissed off.

"Hey are you- why the hell are you guys not ready?" Mason says and I turn to see him in an all black suit.

"Ready for what?" I ask and then he turns to Mac with a glare.

"We are suppose to meet your brother at one of his clubs" Mason says still glaring at Mac.

My mouth just shapes an "O" and go up to my room to get ready real quick.

My mouth just shapes an "O" and go up to my room to get ready real quick

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Thea's outfit ^^^

I put on a bit of mascara and a Smokey eyeshadow and let my hair down in its own natural curls.

I run back downstairs only to eat shit on the last steps.

I hear laughter "my one and only love..... the floor" I say kissing it and getting up to see everyone just staring at me dumbfounded.

I shrug and they shake their head. I notice Mac changed quickly into a suit and see Luis at their side on his phone.

Mason glances up at me and then nods at me to follow him out into the car.

"You look beautiful" Mason finally says when we are in the car.

All of a sudden a flash goes off in front of us. We see Mac holding a camera waving at us.

"Is he always this weird?" I ask out loud which caused Mac to turn to me as he places a hand on his chest.

How did he even hear me?

"Normal people scare me, why do you think I'm friends with you guys!" Mac shouts.

"It's not like we had an option too" Mason mutters and I laugh at that.

When Mac finally gets out of the way we start to drive off with Luis and Mac on their own cars behind us.

The ride was quiet like usual. I've noticed that Mason isn't a talkative person but neither am I.

Making our way into the VIP of the club we get stopped by this girl.

She was about an inch taller then me with brown eyes, and blonde hair.

"That's VIP" she says and I smile at her. Looking at her name tag I see the name Beth.

This is going to be an interesting night.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote

Edited- 01/08/20

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