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Thea's POV
8:00 am

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER TRUCKER" I yell braking into Luke's home with a cake in hand.

It has been a month since I've seen them and I've just missed them so much.

I decided to come and just use Luke's birthday as an excuse to visit California.

Have I mentioned that Me and Mason have been getting pretty close?

"What the fuck Thea" Luke says standing in the living room with only his boxers and that's when a naked girl comes out from the kitchen making me freeze.

Didn't know he can pull girls.

"I told you to leave already" Luke says pissed off to the girl who is just standing there without any shame as she glares at me.

"Babe, who is she?" The girl looks at me up and down in disgust while putting her hands on her hips.

She's acting as if she isn't looking at me with her pussy out.

"Anna, Lana, banana? whatever your name is get your fucking clothes and leave. NOW" Luke says once he heard her attitude towards me.

She gets her shit together real quick and is bare naked passing me.

"Just so you know he prefers me in bed over you. Especially when he-"

"GET OUT" he yells and she runs out.

"Please tell me that you did it in the couch with that" I say.

I finally hear the footsteps of the rest coming inside laughing their asses off.

"I'm surprised you could even get any"Naomi say to Luke making me bust out laughing as we give each other a high five.

My relationship with Naomi has gotten better too. She's tough on me as if I were her little sister though.

By the way Her stomach is now way bigger then I've last seen.

I think she's due soon.

I don't even know I've been saying that for what seems like months.

That's when I realized that he somehow managed to put on some basketball shorts and a hood on.

"What do you guys want?" Luke says as the guys make him go shower first.

"I've never been to Luke's house it's so..." Naomi says trying to find the word.

"obnoxiously clean?" Andy finishes for her.

"Yeah..." she says taking another look around.

I don't say anything as I don't know if she has figured out that Luke has OCD.

I stand as I think they did do it on the couch making me gag at the thought of my cousin having sex.

I just hand sanitized the glass coffee table before I set the cake down.

"It an.... okay house" Mason says looking around.

Even I can tell by the twitch in his eyebrows that he felt weird about Luke's house.

It really is a pretty house but it was too neat. You know how if something is too perfect you just want to mess it up a little? Yeah that's how we all felt about Luke's home.... and his every day routine.

"If you ever wanna see amazing then just swing by my house" Andy Says already wanting a piece of the cake.

Even Mac had to slap his hand away from the cake.

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