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Thea's POV

When I woke up I was hugging onto Mason.

I think I could get used to this.

Just not in a hospital setting.


I got up wincing a bit but I soon just walk it off as I get out off my room and walk over to the room next door.

It was 5 in the morning but I didn't care.

When I had entered I saw that Andy had his glasses on and he was reading a book.

"You read?" I ask which startled him a little bit.

I know that he reads but we like to tease him here and there about it. Especially when it doesn't really match his personality but hey who am I to judge?

"Can't you knock next time?" Andy says closing his book and putting it down in his lap.

"I would but what would be the fun in that?"I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"No sleep?" I ask Changing the topic as I go to sit on his bedside.

"No" he says and that's when I noticed how distant he seemed. 

The only times he's been like that was when...


"It's her death anniversary" Andy says and we fall into silence.

"I know" I say barely above a whisper.

"Today, today it has been 8 years since those bastards killed my baby sister" Andy says and I could hear the pain in his voice.

"I know" I say again and we sat in silence.

I remember that time. We were 16 and she was just 8. Andy regrets a lot of things he did that very day.

I look over at him and see him looking straight ahead zones out and I already knew that he was replaying that day.

"Want to go bother Luke?" I ask trying to make him feel better.

"He just got out of surgery a few hours ago" Andy says and I smile.

"The more grumpier he is the more hilarious" I say and I see his eye twinkle in mischief.

He stands up and I see his face scrunched up in pain which makes me think that he's about to shit his pants.

I don't say anything as we get out and creep out way into Luke's room next to Andy's.

"Get the fuck out" we hear Luke say just as we were opening the door.

"We haven't even-"

"I don't care. Now quit being a bother and let me sleep" We hear him mutter but we end up going in anyways.

We find him balls deep in a nurse and me and Andy look at each other not believing this is happening.

How the-

"what do you want?!" He ask still fucking the nurse who is trying to cover her mouth to muffle out her moans.

"We just wanted to bother you" I say looking at the nurse who seems to not notice our presence.

Suddenly my eyes are covered and I'm being grabbed from behind and dragged over somewhere else as the door shuts behind me.

What did we just witness.

"Let go check up on Jake " Andy says removing his hands.

"I'm sure Naomi is in there right now" I say and he shrugs.

The Arrangement (Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now