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Jakes POV

27 hours later
(A day and 3 hours)

"Why the hell hasn't she awaken yet?!" I shout at Gary. All he does is calmly make sure that everything is running smoothly.

"You have to consider that she did get into a car accident. It seems that she had the same injuries as you did before she got kidnapped but after she was beaten. She was whipped, tased, and being used as a personal punching bag. I need Neon to run more test on her" Gary says leaving the room.

"PINCHE MIERDA" I shout punching the wall to the point that I start to see red.

(Fucking shit)

"Ey, ey, ey, you gotta control yourself, man" I hear as I'm being pulled out of the room.

"Holy shit. You made a hole on the wall"

"Andy shut the hell up. Jake, deep breaths" Luke says and I listen to him.

"Listen to Gary. She's fine, she'll awaken soon. You know Thea she always wakes up" Luke says.

"JAKE, JAKE PLEASE.... M-MAKE THE PAIN STOP" Thea yells. All I can do is listen to her pleads for help as Micheal does whatever type of sick ways on her.


Pain is spread all over my body. I kinda just got used to it.

Waking up I look around wondering where I'm at. I noticed that I'm no longer tied to a chair instead I am in a bed with Thea right besides me with cords all over my body.

In the corner of the room an old lady is sleeping in a couch leaving me wonder who she is.

The door opens and in comes a guy that seems to be a doctor looking down at his clip board. He looks up before looking back down and back up at me with wide eyes.

"Who the hell are you?!" I demand taking out the needle out of my arm and standing up in a defensive position.

"Calm down, Jake" The guy says glancing behind him. I go right in front of Thea's bed still pointing the needle at the guy.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Gary" He says trying to get closer only causing me to swing the needle at him.

Why the hell am I never able to protect her when she actually needs me?

I open my eyes after calming myself down. Looking down at my hands I notice the blood coming out of them.

"What is it with you Castillo's always having anger issues?" Neon says coming out of Thea's room. He shakes his head and takes a look at my hands.

"That explains the hole in the room" He says rolling his eyes.


After Neon bandaged my knuckles I go back to Thea's room waiting for her to awaken. Mason hasn't come to visit her ever since he found her. I asked Mac and Luis about but all I got were short answers. I hate short answers but can't do anything about it since they aren't my men.

On another note Alyssa has come down to visit twice. She tried to do small talk with me and ask about what I've been doing but after the second visit she realized that i wasn't budging.

"We got burgers" Andy says coming into the room carrying bags. Luke comes in right after him with the drinks.

"Anything new?" Luke ask and I shake my head no.

"Gary and Neon are running some test" I say as Andy ah da me my burger.

"What about Mason?" Andy ask and I roll my eyes.

"That bastard hasn't shown his face around here." I say pissed off. All of a sudden we hear Thea's heartbeat increase.

"W-Who are y-you guys?"

Looking over I see Thea awake and I rush to her side.

"What do you mean who are we?" I say trying not to get even more pissed.

She just looks at me confused making my heart drop but I don't show any emotions.

"you don't remember us?" Andy ask coming to her side in disbelief.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" Luke says opening the door already on his way to get Gary.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote

Edited: 1/21/20

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