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Thea's POV

"you don't remember us?" Andy ask coming to my side in disbelief.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" Luke says opening the door already on his way to get Gary.

Keep a straight face, Thea


I start to feel myself forming a smile and just start laughing but soon cough due to my dry throat. I start to feel the pain in my back and my ribs making me wince.

Jake passes me a water bottle that I immediately start to chug down.

"Why would I forgot the most idiotic people i have every met?" I ask looking at Jake and Andy.

The door opens and in comes Luke and Gary. To my surprise Blake was lurking through the halls looking into the room before the door closed.

Hmm that's weird.

Looking down I find myself in sweats and my whole chest area covered in bandages.

"When can I leave?" I ask causing everyone to roll their eyes.

"Until tomorrow" Gary says checking my vitals.

"You look like a raccoon" Andy says and I glare at him.

"Wow. thank you Andy you always know what to say" I say sarcastically and he just lets out a chuckle.

Feeling pain in my back I do my best not to make a face as Gary keeps on talking but they start to notice.

"I'm going to have to put you in stronger medication" Gary says calling Neon through the phone.

"Here take these" Neon says entering the room as he hands me two pills and another water bottle to take them with.

"Did you just always come out of thin air?" I ask him in confusion.

"Yup" he says popping the p as he leaves.

What a weirdo.

Looking around the room while Gary is still talking I notice that Mason, Luis and Mac aren't here.

Where are they?

"I suggest that you be in bed rest for this whole week before you do anything extreme" Gary firmly says looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah" I say. He gives me a look that says "you better listen to me. "I said sure"

Watching him leave I turn to Jake. "Are they down there?"

"Yes, we also found Micheal" Jake says and it was as if everything stopped.

"You guys actually found him?" I ask surprised and they nod. A smile starts to form again already thinking about the torture they will get when I get out of here.

"Aren't you gonna ask where Mason is?" Luke ask making me freeze.

I shouldn't care, he made it clear he didn't want me.

Then why do I feel saddened that he's not here like everyone else.

"For all I care he could go suck a dick" I sigh.

"Can you guys actually be useful for once and get me something to eat?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Is food just always in your minds?" Luke ask and I nod.

"Glad I'm not the only one" Andy says making us both laugh.

Once Andy and Luke leave the room I turn to Jake.

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