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Jakes POV

I look over at Thea for the 100th time or so waiting for her to wake up.

When Mason came in running into the house Gary immediately treated her since he was already here and we have all the things he needs here.

I immediately relaxed once Gary informed us that she would wake up within the next 24 hours.

No one has entered the room ever since.

I gotta pee.

I look around to see no restrooms.

I get up ignoring the pain as I take off the IV needle and start to leave but soon a heart monitor started going off and I looked at my chest to see that it was my hear monitor.

Why the fuck do I have one in the first place?

I then see the door slam open to reveal Gary and he just looks over at Thea to see her breathing steady. He then turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? I wanted to pee" I say and he just shakes his head as he leaves. I go out and I see Andy and Luke out there discussing something with Luis and Mac.

They all turn to me with confused looks.

I raised an eyebrow "what?" I say.

"You wear glasses?" Andy ask only causing me to roll my eyes.

"Moving onto a serious note. Micheal and Noah have already awoken. We have been questioning but they won't reveal details about their father" Luke informs and I nod.

I already expected that.

"Any new details about Alyssa?" I ask Luke and he shakes his head.

"Luis and I have been working on that but it seems like her files were erased. It was someone more advance then us therefore we still haven't been able to brake through the walls or uncovered the person who did this" Luke says.

Something fishy is going on. I don't believe that all of a sudden our mother was found out of thin air after 15 years of her gone.

"I'll have Thea look into it after she awakens" I say knowing that she still is my underdog until she decides to leave the mafia.

"She can hack?" Luis ask completely surprised.

"She knows different types of hacking. Pretty interesting when she combines all of the techniques" Andy brags hitting me on the chest.

"Oh you son of a bitch" I growl out glaring at him.

"Oh shit" he says realizing what he did.

"Watch when you get injured" I say threw gritted teeth.

"In the meantime, Luke continue to try to look more into her and Andy go finish collecting the debts" I order and they leave with Luis and Mac.

Finally I can go take a piss.

Once I'm finished with my business I go back into the room where Thea was and I see Blake looking down at her sleeping.

"What do you need, Blake?" I order and he glances over at me and then goes back to watch Thea.

"I found Micheal. Micheal as in your uncle" Blake says. It was music to my ears knowing that we finally found him.

"Is he locked up or did you kill him?" I ask looking down at Thea as well.

If only I have just kept my promise to keep you safe. then this all wouldn't have happen.

"I figured you two would want to have your fun with him" He says. I glance at him and that's when I notice that it looks like he hasn't slept in days. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair messy which is unlike him, and tie lose.

"Why are you trying to act as if you care about us all of a sudden?" I ask the only thing I wanted to know.

His eyes finally meet mine and I see the rage in them.

"I've always cared"

"You have a funny way of showing it" I say getting pissed off.

"This isn't the time nor place. Have you told Alyssa about her brother?" I ask and that's when His mood changes.

"No I have not" He says and I let out a chuckle.

"You better tell her soon before Thea wakes up. I doubt she would want to wait to torture them when she wakes" I say letting a smile settle on my face.

He leaves and that's when I finally settle myself with sleeping on the couch.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Sorry for the short chapter.

Edited: 1/20/20

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