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Thea's POV

Have you ever been in a situation that you got into but knew you shouldn't have.

Or just got into messy/ weird situations because you were being nosy?

Yeah well this is how Thea and Jake Castillo get busted for being the nosy fuckers we are.

"Well Thea I'm going to say this one more time,

You ready?

THEA THIS IS ALL YOUR GOD DAMN FAULT" Jake yells as we both duck from the men that were trying to punch us.

We were both back to back surrounded by men who we were fighting off.

"HOW? IT WAS ALL CAUSE YOU WANTED TO SAVE THAT DAMN NAOMI GIRL" I yell as I punch the guy directly into his face one more time before getting knocked out.

When I turn I see a guy trying to punch Jake from behind.

"Duck!" I shout and he does and I jab at him with all my strength which caused him to tumble down onto his knees.

Jake then kneed the guy before kicking him like a soccer ball before he knocked out.

We took in a deep breath and looked at each other.

"Fine so maybe it was my fault" Jake finally admits.

"You owe me an explanation after this" I say as
we more men barge into the room.

"Mierda" we both say looking at each other before looking back at them.


"There's more men coming into the room. Be prepared" Luke says into our earpiece.

"You don't say" I say rolling my eyes seeing as Jake already took down two men.

"Sorry. The camera footage is going too slow" Luke says as I duck someone trying to hit me ultimately causing him and this guy who was attacking me from behind knock each other out.

Hold on

Hold on

Let's back it up to 2 hours earlier.

After we found out who hacked Masons system we found out it was a rival gang that they were having problems with.

They were already had in control which meant that they didn't need my help.

But then we found out something else.

That Naomi/ Beth, or whatever her real name is, girl had a big fucking problem and that's where we are heading now.

We all had our getups ready and we were all wearing all black along with our combat boots.

I had worn my usual black high waisted ripped jeans, black tank top, black leather jacket, and face mask on.

Under my tank top there was a bullet proof vest that seemed as if it was a regular shirt.

We all had our weapons on us too. I went for my usual pocket knifes in each combat boot, two guns strapped on me along with some smoke bombs.

My black hair was braided into two French braids.

Since ya know my hair is too long and it'll just get in my way.

currently I am driving a white van with Jake in the passenger seat wearing black sunglasses as I'm speeding off in the middle of nowhere on some dirt tracks in the middle of the night.

"Where am I off to now?!" I shout at the back where all the technology and more weapons is with Luke and Andy.

"Turn off the headlights and Get off the tracks and turn right and go straight" Luke says and I do as I'm told.

The Arrangement (Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now