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Message at the end of the chapter

Thea's POV

Looking at the back mirrors I saw that Andy was spiraling out of control which meant one thing.

That he was a complete idiot.

He soon hit Luke then Jake and then finally me.

I soon feel the impact and as if it was in slow motion I try to get things under control but the crash was bigger then I had expected.

I hit my head in the air bag with not to much force but just enough for everything to go black.

"HOLY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS AMAZING" I hear Andys muffled shouts.

"The cars are about to go on fire soon" I hear Luke say.

Hearing that made me try to open my eyes but at the same time I just wanted to take a quick nap.

My neck hurt bad and so did my back.

"WHERES THEA?" I hear Mason yell.

"Now that I'm thinking about it where's Jake?" Luke ask.

I heard a noise escape my mouth sounding like a groan as I try to move.

Everything hurts.

"we don't have much time before the cars light up!" Mac says and I hear him nearby.

Opening my eyes I see that I got some blood on the air bag.

I start to cough and I see blood come out.

God damnit

Not only that but I'm upside down and the window was broken.

I see a set of feet and suddenly Mason was in front of me squatting down with a concerned face.

"What's my name?" He ask unbuckling my seatbelt.

"It's... obviously... Damion" I say grunting as I roll my eyes.

"Who's Damion?" He ask before shaking his head when he sees me smiling at him.

"What's my name?" He ask again more seriously as I crawl out on my own.

"Mason, why are you asking me stupid questions?" I say and I see him sigh in relief.

I'm not stupid I know that he was asking to see if I was still there.

I try to stand on my own but Mason helps me up and stands me next to him as I lean out for support.

My back, head, and neck are killing me.

"We should get you to Gary and Neon immediately. You don't look so good" Mason says concerned.

"I'm fine" I say as I hold onto my stomach because I think I'm getting bruises from the seatbelt.

"I didn't think you guys had the balls to try that out" I say laughing a bit as we go up to the group.

Luke was against Luis and Andy was leaning against him too.

"Where's the other idiot?" I ask wincing at the sudden movements.

I want to cry out in pain but I don't as I slowly start to feel the Adrenaline leave my body.

"I can't believe... non of us died" Jake says behind me and I feel relived.

A second layer we hear an explosion go off behind us.

"Well shit. Mason is going to be pissed at us" I hear Luke mutter you Andy and we all look behind us to see the cars on full fire with some parts of the car on the ground.

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