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Thea's POV (^how I imagine the dress being)

2 months later

I still can't believe that I'm getting married in just 24 hours.

We, by we I mean my brother, Blake, and I, are currently in New York at one of the Del Rey's hotel.



"Come in" I say not looking up from my computer.

"Blake told me to bring this to you" I hear Jake say as he's coming into my room. I look up and see Him carrying a big body bag and two boxes making me take a deep breath in knowing what's in them.

He sets the stuff on my bed. This isn't real, right? It's not what I think it is?

I put my computer to the side and walk over to take a closer look. I open up the bag and see a beautiful wedding dress.

It's beautiful simple but extra.


Okay maybe its not simple but hey when are wedding ever simple?

"Turn around" I say and he does as told as I start to take off my clothes to try the dress on.

After I was finally in the dress I go over to the mirror.

A perfect fit

"How do I look?" I ask Jake and he turns around.

He looks over the dress with a cold stare but then it softens when he looks at me. His eyes start to water.

"Why the hell are you about to cry?" I ask him confused.

"I- my little sister is about to get married tomorrow" Jake says but I knew there was more to that sentence.

"I'm your older sister, you dork" I hit him in the head and giggle once I see him pout.


"You look lovely" he says with a smile.

"Alright enough of this turn back around" I say and he turns around again.

"Why didn't Blake himself come to give it to me?" I ask after finally putting my clothes back on.

"We both know that he cares more about his work then he does his kids" he says making me roll my eyes. "The crown and the heels are in the boxes by the way"

I look over the boxes and open them. The heels are simple white heels but the crown is a different story.

I close them up and put them by the nightstand.

"The makeup artist is going to be here at 10 in the morning. The ceremony doesn't start till noon and the reception will begin at 4" He says turning around to face me once again.

I just nod "how old is this bastard that I'm suppose to marry?"

"He isn't that much older then us but to be precise he's 25. Also don't call him a bastard, he doesn't take disrespect kindly" Jake says.

"Want to order a cake and pizza? It is our 23rd birthday after all" I say and he looks at me blankly.

"I've been so busy that I forgot it was our birthday" he sighs but nods anyway.

I go hang the dress in the closet as I head Jake already ordering our food.

I sit down on the bed and wait for him to finish ordering our food.

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