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Thea's POV

It's been a good hour and so far all I've been doing is walking around while high class people walk up to me and congratulating me.

Most of the men have smirks on their faces while the women give me dirty looks as if to say "she's a gold digger".

"Thea?" I hear a deep manly accent snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn to look and standing behind me in all his glory is Dominic Nabokov, the Russian leader, and my old boarding school roommate.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Dom" I say and he pulls me in for a hug.

"It's been awhile since we've seen each other since the... incident" Dom says the last few words carefully trying not to trigger me.

"Well how are you? It's been 7 years since I've seen you!" I ask changing the topic.

"I'm doing good. How are you doing?" He says looking at my wedding dress. "I hope good since we are at your wedding"

"I've been doing good" I say and then see a red head pregnant girl coming towards us. She seems to be mad that or that's just her resting face.

Dom turns around to where I'm looking and the girl comes up to Dom flashing a smile brightening her whole face.

I see a few words exchanging between them before they both turn around and I see the brightness in Dom's eye.

"Thea this is my wife, Ana, Ana this is my old friend, Thea" He says and I see her about to reach her hand out to me but Dom stops her and whispers to her.

"Hi!" She says and I can hear her accent as well and I just smile at her.

"Ana and I are expecting our first child" Dom says making my jaw drop.

"First?!" I ask and they both laugh.

"Let's talk about business" Dom says turning serious and immediately I turn serious as well.

"I need to use one of your hotels to traffic in guns. It's way to risky to open a business for me here without the police being up my ass" Dom says and I nod.

"We can discuss this.... somewhere more private. Give me a call tomorrow" I say looking at Ana to see her a bit surprised.

Dom hands me his phone and immediately I take it and put my number down.

"It was good to see you again, Thea. It's good to know that some things do change" He says looking down at my wedding ring.

"It was good to see you too, Dom. I guess some people do change after all" I say with a warm smile seeing them leave.

Yeah as if.

Jake comes up to me seeing the retreating figure of Dom leave. "anything with Dominic?"

"He proposed a deal to me. I told him to call me tomorrow though" I say and Jake nods.

"And where is that husband of yours?" He ask scanning the room.

"I am just going to be honest, Jake. I don't really care" I say taking a tequila shot from one of the waiters offering drinks to everyone and putting it back.

I then notice a couple come towards me. They seem familiar I just can't place my finger on it.

They seem to be around my fathers age and let me be honest they seem to age like fine wine.

"I'm Gianna, Masons mother" The older woman says.

"It's good to meet you guys! Might I add you guys look fantastic Mr and Mrs. Del Rey" I say putting a smile on my face.

"Oh dear your making me blush! Look at you, you look like one of the Disney princess and please call me Gianna" She says excitedly.

"Do you know we're Mason is?" Mr. Del Rey ask.

"Unfortunately I don't. I was just asking my  dear brother, Jake, here if he had seen where he could be" I say glancing at Jake to see him looking at me a bit annoyed.

All he does is nod. Looking past his shoulder I see Mason coming down the stairs with the blonde chick following behind.


"I guess the search is over he's right over there" I say not taking my eyes off him and the girl. 

"it was nice meeting you" Gianna says a bit disappointed.

"Likewise" I say as they walk away I turn to Jake and roll my eyes.

I see Dom and Ana come towards us again to where we are in the quieter side of the room.

"Jake, how have you been?" Dom says as they do a handshake.

"Everything has been running smooth, you?" Jake says getting straight to the point.

"Always straight to the point. I was talking to Thea earlier about a deal I would like to do with you guys. I trust you guys more then the Italians" Dom says looking behind us making us turn to see Riccardo and Mason looming over at us. "Are you guys interested?"

Jake and I both look at each other and I blink three times.

"We can discuss this tomorrow. Too many people here" Jake says scanning the room. "I'll see you in California"

"What happen after graduation?" Jake ask Finally glancing at Ana and her growing stomach.

"I got married after I took over and well now we are expecting our new born" he says excited pulling Ana towards him.

"Jake this is my wife Ana, Ana meet Jake. These are the twins" Dom says and I see Ana's eyes go a bit wide.

"Nice to meet you" Jake says.

"Moving on are we invited to the baby shower?" I ask curiously as they look at each other.

"Of course I guess we will see you in 2 months?" Dom ask and I nod smiling excitedly.

"Honey, I've been looking everywhere for you" someone says from behind me as they wrap their hands around my waist making me tense up.

I glance behind me and see Mason.

Where play like that now, huh?

"Dom, Mason, Mason Dom" I introduce them as Mason takes out his hand for a handshake and Dom takes it.

"Just the guy I was hoping to talk too" Mason says. "I was hoping to do business with you"

Mason and Dominic go somewhere else to talk leaving Ana with us.

"About the baby shower... do you guys know what it's going to be already?" I ask feeling excited again.

"We were hoping to do a gender reveal but I don't really have friends to do it for me" Anna says looking down at her bell as she rubs its.

She looks so sad.

"I'll do it then! When are you guys going to find out the gender?" I ask her without thinking twice, ignoring the feeling of someone starring at me.

"You'll really do that for us?" Anna ask looking at me surprised and full of joy.

"Why not? If that means I could be the god mother" I joked. Ana hugs me taking me by surprised as I just stay still.

"We will think about it" she jokes back and we both laugh.

"It was a pleasure in seeing you two again but we have to get going. I'll see you both in two months" Dom says coming towards us.

"We will see you soon" Jake says.

"Jake can you leave me and your sister alone for a bit?" Mason ask well more like demands.

Jake and I glance at each other. Jake with what did you do and me with a don't leave me here look.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote

Edited: 12/18/19

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