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Thea's POV

The whole car ride back was silent and tense as Mason kept on driving with his hands turning white as he gripped onto the wheel.

I get out of the car once we arrive and just head inside not bothering to look behind me.

When I go up to my floor I already see Jake, Andy, Luke, Naomi and Alize in the living room.

Jake was the only one awake watching the movie while the rest were knocked out in the couches.

"How was the date?"Jake ask making me sigh.

"Ora cosa ha fatto quell'idiota?" I hear Mac say irritated as I see his head popping up from the ground covered in blankets and pillows.

"I'm sorry we don't understand Italian" Jake says and Mac rolls his eyes.

"What did he do?" Mac says again.

"Oh this time it wasn't him" I mutter and they all stood up and looked at me in shock.

"Wheres sierra?" I suddenly ask trying to change the subject.

"Riccardo and Gianna took her for some more family time with them" Mac says and I nod going into the kitchen ignoring their calls for me.

"Where are you going to?" Jake ask entering the kitchen shortly after me with Mac covered in blankets.

"Obviously shes  going to sleep" Mac says sarcastically.

I chuckle at that as I start getting the ingredients for the recipe Gianna gave me.

"We kissed." I then say.

"Okay and?" Jake says.

"I pushed him away after a while because I thought about Maria and if she came then would he take her back. What would have happen to me after?" I sigh getting the bowls.

"sei un idiota" Mac says rolling his eyes and I glare at him.

"I may not know how to speak Italian but I know you just called me an idiot" I say.

"That's because you are one. Anyway now I have to go deal with Masons grumpy ass" he says turning his back on us before stopping.

"Maria left a long time ago. You shouldn't feel threatened by someone who isn't even here. If I'm being honest I've never seen Mason look at her the way he does to you" he says before walking out.

God now I feel like a dumbass for thinking that.

"Shut up" I say knowing that Jake is looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"Why are you being insecure now? You're never insecure" Jake says.

"This is all new to me okay?!" I say basically shouting.

"Open your heart up for once. You will never know if it works out between you two if your not willing to open up" Jake says and I look at him weirdly.

"When did you become so poetic?" I ask and he just glares at me.

"Talking about that. You still need to catch me up with what's going on" I say reading the ingredients.

"I know who Naomi actually is" Jake says raising an eyebrow at me.

Oh... totally forgot that I kept that from him.

"Luis helped" He then says and that's when I get flashbacks from when I bumped into him on my floor.

"Oh" I say.

"Anyway. Nothing really changed other then Naomi living with me" Jake says and that's when I go cold.

I don't want the same thing that happened with Camilla happen again.

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