[I] ▪ mingi | sleepless nights

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You toss and turn, unable to sleep

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You toss and turn, unable to sleep. You know that you need to get the rest, as you have a busy week ahead of you.

Your mind wanders to thoughts of your boyfriend Mingi, and how lucky you feel to have him as your boyfriend.

You find him to be the most handsome, attractive, sweet, and talented human being. He has a deep voice, deeper than the ocean's depth. He's sweeter than any kind of candy or sweet that has graced your taste buds. He's more handsome than anyone you have set eyes on.

You met him prior to him debuting. Mingi was a trainee, and you ran into him at a convenience store. Both of you happened to conveniently be at the same convenient store at 2 in the morning getting a snack.

You couldn't fall asleep and were craving ramen, so you left your dorm. You wandered to the convenient store near your school and started to make some ramen.

You don't notice Mingi come in and wander the store, looking for snacks as well.

Once you finish, you turn around and are startled by a tall figure, staring at you. You gasp, almost dropping your food.

"Sorry...I was just curious to why a beautiful woman is out so late at night," he lets out a deep chuckle.

His smile makes his eyes close. His compliment makes your heart flutter.

"I-I could say the same thing about you. Why are you out so late as well?"

"I'm hungry as well. A growing boy needs food," he smiles, and rubs his neck.

His cheeks become slightly pink and he looks towards the ground.

Your brain comes back to reality, realizing some random guy is talking to you. You realize he could be some creep, so you make your way around him.

"Wait - don't go."

You pause and turn around.

"Trust me, I'm not some weirdo, if that's what you're thinking. Give me a chance. I want to get to know you. Not everyday do I get to meet people outside of my company. I'm stuck with seven other guys most of the time, so I don't get the chance to talk to others, especially those around my age. You look to be around my age."

"Your company?" You cock your head to the side, curious.

"Yes, I'm a trainee. I'm a rapper, and my group and I are debuting soon. Wait, I shouldn't have said that. Please don't tell anyone."

The look of horror on his face makes you giggle.

"I have no clue who you are, so don't worry."

You smile, making him breath a sigh of relief.

That night began your many nights of meeting up late at night. You quickly realized how much you took to him, and how much Mingi took to you.

You end up getting out of bed and heading to the balcany, where you slide open the door and sit on the chair. You leave the door open and stare at the city surrounding you.

You can never get used to the view - you find it incredibly stunning. Almost as stunning as Mingi.

You don't understand how you ended up with someone like him, but he feels the same way as you.

"Hey," a voice calls out.

You jump, startled.

"I didn't hear you," you say.

"I was being quiet, thinking you were asleep. But then I saw that the door to the balcony was open and I saw you peacefully sitting out here."

You give Mingi a small smile and turn back around, giving Seoul one last look.

Mingi steps out into the balcony and leans on the railing.

You admire his pure beauty, and his cutthroat jawline.

Despite his messy hair and practice outfit, you find him to be incredibly beautiful.

Mingi then looks over at you and smiles, making you blush and bite your lip before looking down.

He chuckles and walks over to you, wrapping one arm around your waist while using his index finger to lift up your chin.

"Hey beautiful, the moonlight really accentuates your features even more. You're absolutely stunning [Y/N]."

Mingi stares into your eyes, drinking you in.

"I could say the same thing as you."

Mingi laughs, reminiscing when the two of you met and how you said the same thing to him.

He then caresses your cheek before brushing his thumb over your lips.

He leans down and presses his lips softly onto yours. You press yours onto his and your lips move in sync. Mingi's arms wrap around your waist while you stand on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck.

After the two of you break apart, Mingi lifts you up bridal style and carries you back to your room and lays you down before tucking you in.

"I love you [Y/N]," he whispers.

"Mmm, love you too jagi."


inspired by me because it's 12:30am and i can't fall asleep & i have class at 8:10am 🙃 and i do have a busy week ahead.

i also got into ateez a little over a week ago & mingi is my mans <3

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