[I] ▪ hongjoong | birthday

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"Hey, so Hongjoong is running late, so he told us that he would meet us at the restaurant," Seonghwa explains to you

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"Hey, so Hongjoong is running late, so he told us that he would meet us at the restaurant," Seonghwa explains to you.

All of the members of ATEEZ are standing outside of your apartment, picking you up so all of you can go to dinner to celebrate your birthday.

You're a little saddened by the fact that Hongjoong couldn't come pick you up as well since he's your boyfriend. But you know you're in good hands since the rest of the guys are your good friends.

The eight of you make your way towards the restaurant, chattering and enjoying yourselves. They shower you with extra love as it's your special day.

"So how does it feel to be one year older?" Wooyoung asks.

"I feel so old, especially since I'm older than most of you," you laugh.

"Gosh noona, you're practically a halmoni," Mingi jokes.

You narrow your eyes at him, pretending to be angry at him, as he juts called you a grandma.

"Don't you dare call me that ever again, you hear that Song Mingi?!" You "snarl."

Mingi has a shocked looked on his face, scared that you're being serious. The rest of the members snicker.

"I-I'm so sorry noona. Please forgive me," Mingi trembles.

You burst out laughing at the sight of him being absolutely terrified of you. You rarely get angry, especially towards the members besides Hongjoong.

Mingi then clutches his chest, understanding that you're joking. He starts to chuckle alongside the rest of you.

When you arrive at the restaurant, you find Hongjoong waiting for you with a bouquet of red roses.

He immediately smiles at you and opens his arms for a hug.

"Hey beautiful," he says, making you blush. "You look stunning today."

You give him a smile, flustered by his compliments. He briefly kisses you, earning some coughs from the guys as they look away.

"We'll meet you by the pier at eight, correct?" Seonghwa says.

Hongjoong nods, making you look between the boys and Hongjoong.

"Aren't you guys eating with us?" You asked, confused.

"Surprise! You're having a dinner date with Hongjoong. We'll catch up with you later," Jongho states before the rest of ATEEZ walks away.

"What is this?" You ask Hongjoong.

"This is only the start of surprises," Hongjoong winks at you before taking your hand and leading you into the restaurant.

The two of you are seated in a secluded spot. You find the restaurant to be darker than most restaurants and some candles lit on the table. You find it to be incredibly romantic.

"The candle catches your features nicely," Hongjoong compliments you, making you blush once more.

You only manage to give him a smile.

The two of you have a nice meal together, happy that you're able to have some alone time with your boyfriend.

You haven't been able to see him a lot lately, as he has been in the studio working on music. It's not new, as you're used to him being busy.

Any time with Hongjoong is nice, even if the others are around. You enjoy seeing all of them actually, as they make your life more fun and exciting.

That's why you wanted to celebrate your birthday with all of the members of ATEEZ. You hope you're able to spend time with them later.

One the two of you finish your meal, you walk hand in hand to the pier, where you find the members of ATEEZ hanging out. You all are happy to be reunited again, the members asking how your dinner went. You tell them that you had a wonderful time and that you're happy to be reunited with them again.

Hongjoong then tells you to sit on a bench, kneeling in front of you and holding your hands in his.

"Here's the other major surprise. I've been working very hard on it for the past couple of weeks with the help of the guys. I hope you enjoy it!" Hongjoong gives you a smile and a peck on the lips before getting up.

Yeosang turns some music on and the members get into a formation. They start singing and dancing, performing a romantic song for you.

Your heart swells in happiness, a smile forming on your face, staying there for the whole performance.

At the end, Hongjoong ends up in front of you again, holding your hands once more.

"I love you, [Y/N]. Thank you for being the sweetest and most supportive girlfriend. I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you for all you do for not only me but for ATEEZ as well. Thank you for being our biggest cheerleader," he kisses your hand, making you feel shy.

You immediately cover your face with your hands out of shyness, making Hongjoong think you're crying. You tell him you're just flustered and remove your hands.

You give him a smile and thank him and the rest of ATEEZ for the gift.

All of you make your way towards the ferris wheel at the end of the pier, where all of you get on.

You and Hongjoong go one together and the rest of the members figure out who sits with who. They fight like children, making you laugh.

Hongjoong puts his arm around you and you lean into the crook of his shoulder, leaning your head on him.

"Thank you," you quietly say. "You work so incredibly hard not only for ATEEZ and ATINYs, but for me as well. I don't understand how I got so lucky."

"I ask myself that everyday [Y/N]. I somehow lucked out with the best girlfriend, which is you of course," Hongjoong chuckles.

You end up stopping at the top and you're able to look over the city, admiring the lights.

You end up turning to face Hongjoong where you give him a kiss on the lips. He passionately kisses you back, earning some "ews" from behind you. You feel embarrassed but the "ews" make you laugh at how childish the members of ATEEZ act sometimes.


In honor of my birthday, I decided to write this imagine for you :) my friends surprised me for my birthday last year, so I was inspired by that wonderful experience :)

It's finally now my birthday in the US haha I posted for #atinyselcaday earlier bc Korea is 14 hours ahead of me so I wanted to post it earlier~^^

Also, we love a photogenic & hardworking king 🖤

I'm kinda converting people into atinys 👀

Lastly, over the next couple of days I'll release the imagines I have been working on. This is the first of the few :) I hope you enjoy!

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