[I] ▪ jongho | exam

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You sit nervously in your seat, waiting for your professor to hand back the exams

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You sit nervously in your seat, waiting for your professor to hand back the exams. You studied so hard for this exam and you are hoping for a good score.

When your professor hands you your exam, you look in horror at the score. You didn't do so great. You hold back your tears, and when your professor lets your class go, you scurry out of the class, not even waiting for your friends.

You don't even notice your boyfriend waiting for you outside your classroom.

Jongho jogs behind you and calls out for you. You ignore him and continue to power walk away.

When you make it back to the apartment, you fall apart. You start sobbing.

Jongho falls next to you and rubs circles on your back.

"What happened?" He softly asks.

You hand him your exam.

"I studied so hard for this! I thought I would get a good score! I thought I knew the answers!"

"Hey, let's breathe first. Take a big breath in, and breathe out."

You do as he tells you, and you continue to breathe in and out until you've calmed down.

Jongho hands you a tissue so you can blow your nose.

"[Y/N], it's going to be okay," Jongho starts out. "It's just one grade. Your life is not determined on one grade. College is going to be difficult. Know that you can get through college, and that grades aren't everything. You're going to survive out there in the real world. Your life is not dependent on grades. I promise you that when you're old and crusty, you won't remember this one test, this one grade. You'll remember the fun memories that you created over your life."

You give him a small smile, knowing that he's right.

"Hold on a sec...I know a way to make you laugh."

Jongho leaves you for a moment and comes back with various fruits. He immediately starts singing and breaking the fruits in half, immediately making you laugh hysterically.

He ends up laughing along with you because your reaction is priceless.

The two of you end up rolling on the ground laughing. You momentarily end up forgetting about your test score.

Once your laughter dies down, you think about how you're in a better mood.

"How are you doing?" Jongho asks with a look of concern on his face.

"I'm way happier than before."

"I'm glad," Jongho gives a smile, happy knowing that you're feeling better.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" He asks.

"What kind of question is that?! Of course I want to get ice cream!"

You grab his hand and drag him out the door, Jongho barely able to process what is happening.

You grab his hand and drag him out the door, Jongho barely able to process what is happening

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^^ all my love and affection for SHIBER- this imagine is dedicated to you fam

I have to remind myself that grades aren't everything. College and school and life in general is hard.

tbh, SAT and ACT scores mean nothing. I never sent the college I attend my standardized test scores and here I am. I did apply early decision but I still got into college.

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