[I] ▪ san | rude

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Requested by fuckingmulgogi

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Requested by fuckingmulgogi

Choi San. A pretty well known person on the campus, especially since it's a fairly small campus.

He's part of the major dance club on campus and is known for being a cold person, always ignoring people and when they got in his way, he would lash out on them.

Girls would whisper about his killer looks, and he knows he is attractive, making him come off as pretentious.

You found him to be attractive, as you can't ignore his physical looks. But his rude personality turned you off, making you tell yourself that you would never date someone with such a terrible personality despite being attractive on the outside.

One day you're walking to a coffeeshop on the campus, you looking around at the blooming trees and flowers, listening to your music. You're not paying attention, as you're distracted by your music, thoughts, and enjoyment of the beautiful day out.

That is until you bump into someone. You immediately apologize and bow before looking into the eyes of who you bumped into.

Your heart starts to race as you realize it's San. You loose your breath briefly, forgetting your surroundings.

"Watch where you're going punk," he snarls at you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," you applogize.

"You should pay attention to your surroundings more," he glares at you before you put your head down and walk around him, trying to get away as fast as possible.

People continue to stare at the two of you as you run off. You feel your cheeks burning and tears brimming the corners of your eyes.

You hate being the center of attention, and the fact that you now are on the bad side of the person who you shouldn't mess with makes everything worse.

You decide to go hide in a building that not many people go to, and you stay there to do homework, completely throwing away the idea of getting coffee. You decide to not show your face at a place where many people go to.

You calm down in the building, but you constantly think about what just had happened. You can't get the situation out of your head.

But you know with time, people will get over it and everyone will forget it. You hope you don't run into San or see him again. You feel like you're bound to see him once in awhile, but since you don't talk to him, you think you'll be fine.

Over the course of the next few weeks though, you find yourself noticing him everywhere. You feel like he keeps looking at you, watching you.

It makes you uncomfortable, but you go on with your life since he's not doing anything to you.

One night, you're walking back to your dorm from the library, minding your business. Soon enough, you feel a presence by your side.

You look to your side to find San walking besides you. You feel your blood pressure rise slightly as he had startled you.

You take your headphones out to not be rude.

The two of you walk in silence before San speaks.

"I'm sorry I was so rude to you. You didn't deserve it. You didn't do anything wrong. You seemed genuinely sorry when you bumped into me."

You just nod and keep walking.

"I want to get to know you. I see you around a lot. I saw you around a lot before you accidentally bumped into me. I think you're really pretty, and you seem quiet, so I want to know you are because of that."

"My name is [Y/N]," you start off.

"I'm Choi San, as you probably know. It's nice to formally meet you."

You look up into his eyes and you find him to be smiling at you.

You happen to walk underneath a lamp and you find his eyes to be sparkling.

"I'm curious about you, Choi San. Why you're so rude to people. Why you're so cold."

"I-" he pauses. "I feel oddly comfortable telling you my story despite us just meeting. But I had a rough childhood, so I have a hard time letting people in. Pushing people away has always been easier because I have a difficult time trusting people. I hope I can form a friendship with you, and that I can let you in."

You smile and nod your head.

You end up hanging out with San for hours on end that evening, talking about each other's lives. Little do both of you know, both of your lives have changed that night, for the better.


I hope you like this. I like sweet endings, so I hope you enjoyed it!

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