[I] ▪ seonghwa | filming

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"He should be here soon

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"He should be here soon..." your friend tells you as the two of you sit on a bench at a park.

Your friend had asked you to act in a film for her class, and her partner and his friend haven't arrived at the park yet.

The premise is a love story, where you and the partner's friend would be going a date at the park and in the end, you would say no because you're not ready. However, the two of you would be okay with it, as you want to wait it out longer to continue to get to know each other and what not.

"Hey, sorry we're late," you hear a voice behind you.

You and your friend turn around. You find yourself face to face with the partner and his friend.

You find his friend to be incredibly charming, as you were not expecting it.

He gives you a smile, his eyes sparkling. You smile back.

You all introduce yourselves before your friend and her partner start setting up.

You and Seonghwa, the partner's friend, stand next to each other and watch them set up.

You think about how attractive he is, and you think about how cool you think his hair is. It's dyed blonde and is styled in a way that frames his face nicely.

"So, what year are you?" Seonghwa breaks the silence, starting a conversation.

"Oh, I'm a second year student. You?"

"Third year," his smile is so soft and gentle.

You get the vibe that he's an extremely friendly yet quiet guy, but who's to say.

He continues to make conversation with you before the two of you are told what to do.

During this first scene, you're told to walk around as if you're a couple on a date. The two of you have to hold hands and make it look like you're enjoying yourselves.

You're a little nervous as you just met this guy yet you have to act like a couple.

But you oddly feel comfortable around him as he's extremely kind and friendly.

Seonghwa laces his fingers through yours, and the two of you walk around, pretending to be a couple.

Seonghwa finds himself rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb, which you find to be soothing.

The two of you steal glances at each other once in a while, smiling and becoming happy, as the two of you can't help but feel a spark.

Your heart flutters as the filming goes on, as the two of you continue to do couple like things. You end up walking along a ledge while holding Seonghwa's hand, pretending to fall off balance and Seonghwa has to grab onto you. You blush as he "saves you."

For this last part of filming, the two of you sit on a ledge that overlooks a fountain below you. Your friend and his are below you, filming upwards.

You swing your legs and pretend to be cloud watching. It's helpful that there are some puffy clouds in the distance, making things a little more natural.

"That one looks like a turtle," Seonghwa says, pointing off into the distance.

"I can't really tell..." you reply.

The two of you point in different directions, your imaginations running wild.

The next set of filming starts, where Seonghwa pretends to propose to you and you deny the proposal before funny off.

Seonghwa asks you if it's okay to take your hand to improve the scene, and you agree to do so.

The scene starts, with Seonghwa taking your hand and asking for you to marry him before you say no and run off.

You think about how gentle and soft his hands are, and how he rubs your hand with his thumb.

You do a few more takes before doing the last scene where Seonghwa has to catch up with you and talk to you about the propsal.

In the last scene, you two go back and forth about not wanting to get married yet and that the two of you are okay with waiting longer.

It's a couple hours after you first started filming and all of you are hungry. The four of you decide to go get some food at a café nearby.

You sit next to Seonghwa, and all of you converse, getting to know each other better.

You find Seonghwa's laugh to be light and airy, which you think is cute. The way he throws his head back makes him look like a model.

Once you're all done with your meals, you and your friend decide to head back to campus. Before you leave, Seonghwa lightly touches your arm, indicating he wants to talk to you.

"[Y/N], I had a fun time talking to you today. I would love to get to know you more. Do you mind me asking for your number?" Seonghwa shyly smiles at you.

You blush, shocked he's asking for your number.

"Of course," you hand your phone over to Seonghwa and he gives you his.

The two of you say goodbye before heading off in your respective directions.

Later in the day, you get a text from Seonghwa.

Seonghwa 🐥: today was lovely :) you're really cute too 😊

You internally scream at his text, feeling giddy inside at his compliments.


I recently helped a friend with a project for a film class so this was inspired by that :)

Also I feel like I might end up doing a part 2 to this xD

I'm hoping to write a little more soon. I need motivation that is all. I have a few ideas~

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