[I] ▪ san | date night

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Both you and San work hectic schedules, where the two of you are only able to see each other a couple of times a week at most

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Both you and San work hectic schedules, where the two of you are only able to see each other a couple of times a week at most.

You don't live with each other because both of you are too nervous to do so yet.

If you lived together, it would be nice to come home to San and wake up next to him. You would be able to make meals together and not have to part ways with one another at the end of a beautiful night together.

You snap out of your daydream as you near your stop.

You hop off of the bus and walk a little ways to your apartment.

You continue your daydream about San as you have a date night with him tonight.

It's been a long week and you've been looking forward to spending quality time with him.

You've been planning to see him for awhile, and it's always a nice treat to see him.

San wouldn't tell you what specifically the two of you would be doing. You wonder what he has up his sleeve this time.

He always is mysterious, but in the best way possible.

San told you it would be lowkey, and to dress comfortably.

You're happy to be out of your work clothes. You're also happy that it's the weekend, so you can stay up until the wee hours of the morning.

Knowing you and San's Friday date nights, the two of you tend to stay up until the early hours of the morning talking, watching movies, and fooling around. Also eating lots of food.

Your phone rings and you smile seeing San's name.

"Hello darling," San's sweet voice coos through the phone. "I'm wondering if you're ready for our date night."

"Of course I am. Are you?"

You can't help but smile at your simple interaction.

"Yes. Meet me at my apartment. That's when the date officially starts."

"All right, see you soon."

You grab your coat and anything else you could possibly need.

You head to San's apartment, wondering what the night will be like this time.

Will it be like a regular date? Or something more?

You wouldn't mind if it's a regular date. You're somewhat tired, so just chilling would be just fine.

When you arrive at his apartment, you admire the wreath on his door.

You appreciate it as you love the holiday season.

You knock, and the door opens to San's smile.

San waves you in and embraces you in a hug.

"I've missed you," he whispers into your ear.

"I've missed you, too."

The lights are dimmed and fairy lights are the only ones lit. Candles light up his apartment as well.

The smell of food wafts from the kitchen, where you find yourselves migrating.

"I hope you came hungry. I made your favorite!"

The table has a vase of flowers and candles, making it look like the sappiest, most romantic scene from a movie ever.

The table is set up with your favorite food and drink, making you feel warm and fuzzy.

"You're so thoughtful, for putting this together," you murmur. "What did I do to deserve you? I feel like I never do enough for you."

"You do so much more than you could ever imagine."

"This is all so cheesy but I love it and you," you laugh.

You sit and enjoy your meal, catching up on what you've missed from each other's lives in the past week.

You continue to ponder how you got so lucky. San is the sweetest, most caring, and understanding human being you could have ever ended up with.

"Okay sweetheart, I had this idea of instead of staying in like we normally do, we go explore the city. I thought it would be really nice to walk around and see all the lights."

Your face lights up as San throws out the suggestion.

"I'd love to do that!"

You clean up (and blow out the candles so San's apartment doesn't burn down) before heading out.

You walk hand in hand, admiring the lights of the city at night as well as the decorations put up for the holiday season.

You admire the wreaths, lights strung up, and the atmosphere.

You're glad to be out and about, forgetting about all of your problems and tiredness.

As the night wears on, snow starts to fall lightly around you.

As if the night couldn't get any more romantic.

"I swear I didn't plan this part!" San's airy laugh fills the silence between you two.

You admire his eye smile and dimples. You've always loved his laugh and smile.

You stop along a bridge, looking out into the dark waters that reflect the city lights.

You look over to San, who happens to be admiring you.

You give him a smile as he moves closer to you.

He places a hand on your cheek, telling you that he loves you before leaning in and kissing you gently. Your lips move together in sync, where you forget about the world around you. All you can think about is San and only San.

After breaking apart, you find yourself encapsulated in San's sparkling eyes.

"Want to grab some hot chocolate?" He grins.

You nod and laugh, swinging your intertwined hands.


Hello! It's been awhile :) I've missed y'all so, so much ♡

ATEEZ's new album though 👀 the Japanese one

I'm almost finished with my first semester of junior/third year of college :o

I'll be studying abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea next semester. I'll probably be very inactive when I'm over there, but I have time to update for about 2 months of winter break if I so choose so :)

Things I'm looking forward to;

-Seventeen's concert in January
-Studying abroad in Korea from February to July
-Celebrating my 21st birthday in Korea :')

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