[I] ▪ san | soulmate

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Requested by hansworld

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Requested by hansworld

[A/N: I hope you can find an Easter egg hidden in this imagine ;)]

Every person is destined to have a soulmate. The catch is, each time you are reincarnated, it becomes even more difficult to find them.

In your case, you always end up finding your soulmate. Each lifetime has become more and more difficult, but because you and your soulmate know each other very well by now, the task is a little less daunting.

When on your quest to find San in your first lifetime, you were terrified. Terrified you would never meet him. But it was just as exciting as well.

The experience was new; it was a journey, like a pirate finding hidden treasure.

Your hidden treasure was, is, and will always be your soulmate. You always find it exciting, and you are at ease that you will find your soulmate, despite it being difficult.

You believe that in the end, fate will always bring you to your soulmate.

The first time you met your soulmate, San, you were on vacation in Iceland.

You were on your way to view a volcano with your family, enjoying mother nature.

You ended up brushing up against someone as they went in the opposite direction. You felt electricity coarse throughout your body, and in that moment, you knew that you just met your soulmate.

You turn around, only to find the person you touched to already be staring at you.

He smiles, dimples forming.

"It's you," you whisper.

You step cautiously towards him, where he does the same.

You state into each other's eyes, mesmerized.

You were 20 at this time, the first time you met your soulmate.

Each and every time you met your soulmate, you were older. Even if by a millisecond, it all adds up. You have been incarnated 1 million times by now, and you are nervous one day, you won't be incarnated again, or San won't be incarnated.

What makes finding your soulmate even harder is that you and your soulmate look different in every lifetime and that neither of you are from the same place as your past lifetimes. When trying to find your soulmate again, these factors make the process incredibly difficult.

But the two of you always find your way back to each other. Because distance and looks don't mean anything when you are meant to be together. That's why you are soulmates, because your souls are connected.

So in this lifetime, you've been searching for San since the moment you were aware of your surroundings. You wish you could be telepathic or teleport places quickly so would be able to find him quicker.

But it's about the journey, not the destination, right? That saying is somewhat bullshit though, as your destination is your home, San. But the journey is important though.

You sigh, thinking about how you've spent the past couple of decades searching, but as you know in experiences of your past lives, the right moment comes up when you least expect it, and at the right moment.

You are walking the streets of Seoul, where you currently live in this lifetime. It's nighttime, and you're walking alongside the Han River. It relaxes you, gives you a calm feeling.

The water lapping against the shore makes everything serene.

You end up sitting on a bench, enjoying the quietness. But it is soon disrupted by a loud group of guys, pushing and shoving each other while laughing. They seem happy, enjoying themselves.

You look on, envious of them. You don't have a lot of friends, so you look on in awe.

As they get closer, one nods politely at you and smiles, you smiling back and shyly lowering your head, tucking your hair behind your ear while biting your lip.

All of a sudden, you feel a body on top of you. You feel a current of electricity coarse through your body.

You immediately look up to find yourself face to face with your soulmate.


Your soulmate calls himself San.


You immediately smile, hugging him tightly.

"I've found you again!"

You feel ecstatic.

"I'm so happy to see you again," San pulls back, grinning.

You stare at each other, taking each other in.

"San, is this your soulmate?"

"Yes, meet [Y/N]," he proudly presents you to them.

"These are my groupmates. We're part of a KPOP group."

They introduce themselves to you, and the one who smiled at you is named Seonghwa.

"We have a lot to catch up on," San says.

"Yes we do," you nod at him.

"We'll leave you two be," Hongjoong says, gathering the rest of ATEEZ and walking away.

You spend the rest of your night giddy, catching up with San. You're excited to be in the presence of your soulmate once again.


This is my first time writing a soulmate imagine but I've read them before. I also really liked this idea!

I ended up kinda tailoring the idea based around the book 'Every Day,' as the idea reminded me of it! Also, I watched 'A Dog's Purpose' & this imagine reminds me of that movie too. I watched it because Henry Lau is in the sequel & I want to see it because of that :^)

Ngl, I should make this into a fanfic. But I should finish my San fanfic first hehe

 But I should finish my San fanfic first hehe

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ALSO, comeback who? :D

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