[I] ▪ wooyoung | club pt. 2

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a damn visual

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a damn visual


When you wake up, you find a text from a special someone.

Wooyoung the Seducer ;) 💕: hey beautiful, I would love to take you on a date sometime and get to know you better.

You reply to Wooyoung, making a plan to meet up since both of you happened to be free.

You frantically look at what you have in your closet to see what cute outfits you could put together.

The two of you decided to meet up at a coffee shop to talk over coffee.

You decide on a cute black top and a jean skirt paired with white shoes. A simple yet adorable outfit. You put on some makeup as well, but makeup that was slightly less intense than the night before.

You look at the time and see that you still have some time before meeting Wooyoung. You were so excited that you got ready right away.

You decide to distract yourself by being productive and doing homework, but you kept getting distracted by thoughts of Wooyoung.

You end up putting in earbuds and grabbing what you need before heading out and walking in the direction of the coffee shop.

You thought that walking to your destination instead of taking public transit would help clear your mind and help with your excited jitters.

You play romantic songs, thinking about the endless possibilities that could occur between you and Wooyoung.

You end up getting to the coffee shop 15 minutes early, where you buy your favorite drink. You find a spot by the window where you're able to people watch.

You find yourself getting more and more nervous as time gets closer to Wooyoung showing up.

"Ah, I was planning to buy you a drink. I suppose this would be an excuse to see you after this," a voice startles you, knocking you out of your trance.

You blush and smile, getting up to greet Wooyoung.

"I couldn't help but to order...sorry about that."

"No worries," Wooyoung gives you a warm smile.

Wooyoung sits in the chair across from you and sets his drink and a pastry on the table.

"You're even more beautiful sitting there. The sun hits your hair at the right spots, making it shine a beautiful golden color. The sun rays make your eyes sparkle. Gosh, I've never met someone so beautiful."

"Are you always this charming? Are you like this with every girl?"

"No no. Only with you. Tell me about yourself pretty girl."

Wooyoung sips his drink as you being your life story. You feel so comfortable opening up to him like you've known him your whole life.

You talk about your family, where you go to school, what your favorite kind of music is.

Wooyoung discusses what he likes, what his family is like, and what he does as well.

It feels so natural. Despite meeting him the night before, you are able to talk about deep topics.

You end up spending hours with Wooyoung at the coffeeshop, not realizing how fast time goes by.

At one point, you look at the time and acknowledge how fast it went.

"I suppose you're a special one, a keeper," Wooyoung remarks.

You don't want to part with him, but alas, you must.

"I hope to meet up with you again," you say. "I had a lot of fun with you today."

"Me too," Wooyoung smiles. "I hope we can meet up again soon."

The two of you stay in touch, and over the next couple of weeks, you become closer. You end up meeting his 7 closest friends, whom you adore and get along with so well.

You don't understand how all of Wooyoung's friends are also so damn attractive, but because you met Wooyoung first and are closest to him, you still feel the spark from when you first met him.

"Are you going to finally confess to him?" Your friend asks you one day.

You've expressed your interest in Wooyoung to her, and she's been pestering you to tell him.

"I don't know if he feels the same way about me..." you hesitate.

"Well, he made the first move at the club and he immediately asked you on a date. The two you have been cozy the last couple of weeks [Y/N]."

You still doubt Wooyoung liking you back despite the telltale signs.

Your nerves and doubts get the best of you.

Your phone vibrates and you find a text from Wooyoung.

Wooyoung the Seducer ;) 💕: can you meet me at the coffeeshop at 3?

You look at the time to see that it's 2PM.

You respond yes and tell your friend.

"He's going to confess. It's way too coincidental."

You go to the coffeeshop where you find Wooyoung sitting at your usual table. There's 2 drinks on the table, where you assume one is yours.

"Hi [Y/N]," Wooyoung gives you a smile, but it looks like a nervous smile.

His leg is bouncing up and down. He's usually never like this.

"So, how do I start? I've been wanting to ask you this for awhile. I like you a lot...will you date me?"

You pause, shocked to hear this words come out of his mouth.

He bites his lip, waiting for your response.

"I-I like you too," you feel yourself blush. "I will gladly date you."

Wooyoung breaks into a smile and cheers in his seat out of excitement.

You give him a smile and he takes your hand in his, rubbing your hand with his thumb.


I feel like this was cheesy lmao but I hope you liked it.

I watched a bit of the Grammy's & I choked on my food when my friends had me look at the TV because BTS was on the screen lol

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