[I] ▪ mingi | dance

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Requested by xxbabygirlxxsmg

You have been a dancer ever since you were a young child, and you have been addicted to the art ever since.

You are a traditional dancer, and that reflects your personality. You are put together, more modest, and reserved.

Naturally, you have been part of the school dance teams ever since you could, starting in middle school.

Before entering college, you auditioned for the traditional dance department and was able to be easily placed in that department because of your skill and talent.

All of your dedication over the years has paid off, where you are able to continue to pursue your love and dreams.

One day, your teacher calls your class together at the end of the day, as she has an important announcement to make.

"Today I would like to tell you that all of the dance departments will come together for a showcase, and you will have to work with another person from a different department."

You mentally groan, as you prefer working alone or with someone in your own department. But this will force you out of your comfort zone.

The next day, your class meets in an auditorium so pairings could be made. The teachers call out pairings, and you are paired with Mingi from the hip hop department.

You mentally groan again, as you were hoping to be paired with someone from the ballet or contemporary dance departments.

Out of all of the different kinds of dance, you were placed with someone from a completely opposite dance department.

"You two are two of the best in each of these departments," you are told by your teacher once you meet.

Your teacher leaves you alone with Mingi, where the two of you just stare at each other.

"Hi," he says shyly.

You just smile and nod.

"So we have the next two months to prepare a piece."

You nod again.

"So, when are you free to start working?"

"Um, if you want to go to a café to talk about it, that would be fine," you murmur.

The two of you walk in silence to a café. You feel uncomfortable and awkward.

The two of you order drinks and sit down at a table, not speaking for a moment.

"So, do you have an idea of what to do?" Mingi asks.

"Since I'm a traditional dancer, I was thinking along the lines of something like that. I was actually hoping to be paired with someone from a department like mine because it would be easier," you spill.

"Hm, I was thinking the same thing," Mingi mumbles.

Something that goes unwritten is that all of the dance departments actually hate each other. The teachers don't know, but it's in the culture of the students.

You thought at the very least that ballet or contemporary would be okay because your styles of dance are similar, so creating a dance would be easier.

"This will be interesting you mumble."

The two of you continue to sit in awkward silence before Mingi continues to try to figure out where to start.

It doesn't get very far, so the two of you just exchange numbers and plan to meet again the next day.

That night, you think about what kind of project to create, but you are stumped. You have no clue what can be done with someone from the hip hop department.

You go to bed feeling uneasy.

When you meet with Mingi again, you meet in a dance studio.

"So, I have some ideas," Mingi starts to list off ideas he has.

"I don't like any of them," you cross your arms over your chest.

"Do you have any ideas there then, pumpkin?" Mingi furrows his eyebrows together.

"Actually, I do. I think we could start off with traditional dance with a calm song and then troll the whole school by then going into a harsher song and do hip hop. People will think we're doing some sad dance, but then BAM! We hit them with a three sixty," you smirk.


Mingi actually likes your idea, but hates the fact that you came up with such a great idea.

"UGH!" you groan.

Over the next week, the two of you butt heads and don't get anywhere.

The two of you end up making pieces of your own, ignoring each other.

But as time goes on, the two of you admire the other and the work each of you do.

By the end, Mingi comes to you and says, "I have an idea. You can start out doing your piece alone, and then I do my piece alone. Then we come together in the end, showcasing that different sides can do something together. Kind of like your idea. We can do a song that is in the middle of traditional and hip hop."

You think about it for a moment.

"That's clever. Nice thinking," you smile, and Mingi smiles back.

You think that he has a nice smile, but then you remind yourself that you'ee supposed to hate him.

Over the next couple of weeks, you work with Mingi to create a piece that you progressively become excited to showcase.

On the night of the performance, you become nervous. You've started to grow feelings for Mingi, as you have worked so closely together and have gotten to know him.

You feel sadden that this may be the last time you speak to him again, and you don't want that. Unless you continue to talk to him afterwards. But it feels kinda wrong to do so because you're supposed to hate him.

You push that thought to the back of your mind as you wait for your turn to perform.

Soon enough it is your turn to perform, and you flawlessly do your performance. As you wrap up, the crowd loudly claps and gives the two of you a standing ovation.

You bow and walk off stage, feeling giddy.

"That was amazing!" You happily clap.

Mingi rubs the back of his neck, blushing.

"I hope this isn't the last time we see each other," he mumbles.

You stand in shock at what he just said.

"Me too," you murmur.

"I've enjoyed working with you, [Y/N]. I've also enjoyed getting to know you. Will you possibly go on a date with me?" Mingi looks towards the ground.

"Of course I will; I feel the same way towards you," you smile.



I don't really know much about dance tbh

Their KCON Japan performances were AMAZING! I includer their performance of 'Hala Hala'!

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