[I] ▪ san | café pt. 1

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Note; I'm older than San & 6 of the members of ATEEZ, so this is why San will be calling you noona

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Note; I'm older than San & 6 of the members of ATEEZ, so this is why San will be calling you noona. I find it weird to write it in a perspective where you are younger and call him oppa because as the writer, I think it's weird lol

You push open the door and enter the café, the smell of coffee hitting you. You smile, happy to be in a place that feels like home.

You look at the menu, trying to figure out what you want to order. You look at the pastry display, looking for something to eat as well.

You spot a chocolate glazed donut with sprinkles, excited to pick that item out. You decide to get a caramel latte as well.

You go up to the counter, only to find an attractive guy in spectacles and a beret. You slightly blush at the sight of him.

He asks what you want to get, and in your broken Korean, you order. You manage to order, thankful that the person helping you speaks a bit of English.

You sit down and pull out your laptop to work on some homework.

You are studying abroad in Korea, and are very excited to be doing so.

The person who helped you with your order brings your coffee and pastry over to you, and you thank him.

He gives you a sweet smile, where you're able to his see dimples in the process.

You look down, blushing more. You continue to do your work, forgetting about the cute guy. However, San is checking you out and watching you do your work.

He keeps stealing glances at you in between helping customers.

A couple hours pass by and you clean up your items before heading out. San is sad to see you leave, but doesn't have high expectations to see you again.

But little does he know, you stop by the next day at the same time to see if you can see him. You enjoyed more than just the eye candy you saw the day before; the vibe of the café was great. You found it to be pretty, it was quiet enough for you to do work, and you enjoyed the food and drink.

Unfortunately, San was not working. You were a bit disheartened, but you promised yourself to stop by more often to do work and to possibly see him again.

You end up going to this café for the rest of the week at the same time to see if and when San works. You end up being helped by him a couple days, and you decided to purposely come in those days then.

San is delighted to see you come in, making small talk with you towards the end of the week.

As time went on, the two of you became accustom with each other, and by the end of the month, you were quite friendly with each other. You would ask each other about each other's day and well being.

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