[I] ▪ seonghwa | in full bloom

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You stare out the window, admiring the view

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You stare out the window, admiring the view. You see the city in the distance, excited to be meeting up with your college friends.

You feel the nerves and excitment building up, as you haven't seen them in a couple of months. Plus, an experience like going into a city alone, especially one you're not entirely familar with, is always nervewrecking.

Furthermore, you just want to see your friends. A combination of excitement and nervousness always is thrown into your mood.

Once your train pulls into the station, you exit and find your friends. It takes a little bit of searching, but once you find them, you squeal in excitement and hug everyone.

It already starts to feel like old times.

"So, what should we do first?" You ask.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm starving. Also parched," one of your friends says.

Nods of agreement goes around, as everyone seems to be hungry.

You guys make your way to an agreed restaurant in the area, as you guys feel like you can't make it very far without eating.

You exchange stories of your summer so far with friends over your meal.

Your next plan of attack is Central Park, as you want to be somewhat touristy. You and your friends think that by going to such an iconic place to walk around would be a fun thing to do.

You end up walking side by side a friend that one of your college friends had brought along. He seems quiet and hasn't said much, so you strike up a conversation.

"What did you say your name was?" You ask.

"Seonghwa, and you?"

The two of you look at each other, and he smiles at you.

You finally get a good look at him, and you instantly melt at his beauty.

"I'm [Y/N], nice to meet you," you smile back.

The two of you continue asking basic questions of each other, like where you go to school, what you're studying, and so on.

The conversation flows as if you've known each other for years. You find him to be incredibly kind, mature, and funny. You're able to connect so fast with him, which you are happy about.

The plus is that he's incredibly attractive.

Soon enough, you make it to Central Park, and it feels like it took no time to walk there.

You and your friends admire the scenery. It reminds you of home, as you grew up in a more rural area.

At one point, you near a table where some people are making flower crowns. You stop to admire the work.

"Would you like to make flower crowns?" One of the women working the booth smiles.

You look at Seonghwa and he simply nods and smiles.

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