[I] ▪ yeosang | visit

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Requested by DarkThoughtsDarkMind

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Requested by DarkThoughtsDarkMind

You knock on the door of the practice room, heart pounding. You're nervous because this is your first time visiting them at practice, and you don't know how they'll react.

Yeosang told you that it would be fine to visit them, especially at this time because it's towards the end of their practice time.

They don't answer, as you heard the music and so they probably didn't hear you.

Once you hear the music stop, you knock again. You hear people scurrying around and talking, and soon enough, the door is opened.

You come face to face with Wooyoung, and he immediately smiles when he sees that it's you.

"[Y/N]! Hi!" He immediately embraces you in a hug.

Yeosang leisurely walks over, and when he sees that it's you, he pushes Wooyoung aside to get to you.

He hugs you, possibly even tighter than Wooyoung, and that's saying a lot since Wooyoung gives firm hugs.

"I missed you," Yeosang cups your face with his hands and caresses your cheeks with his fingers as he stares into your eyes.

"EW GET A ROOM!" Wooyoung yells.

You blush and watch Yeosang glare at Wooyoung.

"Ignore him," Yeosang grits through his teeth.

You laugh because Yeosang has shown his jealously twice now within the first 5 minutes of you showing up to visit him and the rest of ATEEZ.

Yeosang takes your hand and firmly grips it as he guides you into the practice room. You greet the rest of the guys and wiggle your eyebrows at Wooyoung while grinning at him.

He makes a face at Yeosang and then your boyfriend chases after Wooyoung, making him scream.

You watch Yeosang chase Wooyoung around the room with the rest of the guys, all of you laughing and enjoying yourselves.

After a few minutes, Yeosang gives up so he can spend time with you. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and rests his head on your shoulder.

You smile, happy that you're close with Yeosang again.

The guys suggest ordering food, so Hongjoong orders a bunch of food, mainly because the guys eat a whole ton.

Everyone relaxes as you wait for your food, and you and Yeosang sit on some seats, talking about what's been going on in your lives.

Yeosang plays with your hands while intently looking at you, as he hasn't been able to see you for a week.

He smiles at your stories, and provides stories of his own, making you laugh. The stories are mainly of the boys of course, as he's been spending a lot of time practicing with him.

Yeosang talks about all the silly things, from the mess ups to what the others have said and everything in between.

You enjoy being able to spend time with him, even if it's in the practice room with everyone around. You understand that this is what he does and that you have to work around his work.

It doesn't take long for the food to show up, and the hungry boys dive in.

However, Seonghwa holds them back so you can have a chance to take some food.

Soon silence falls over everyone as you all focus on eating.

After finishing, you offer to help clean up but the guys decline your offer, as you are their guest. You sit back and watch them clean. You feel a little awkward, as you want to clean as you helped create the mess.

It doesn't take long for the members to clean up, as with 8 people, the job gets done quicker.

Everyone starts to leave and disperse after clean up, so you and Yeosang head off by yourselves to have some alone time.

He asks what you want to do, and you say that he must be tired and that you you don't want to make him stay out any later.

You offer to let him come over to your apartment and sleep over, and Yeosang gladly accepts your offer.

He showers once you get to your destination, as this has become a fairly common occurance. You get ready for bed, and you lay in bed, chilling until Yeosang gets done.

He cuddles up next to you, the two of you enjoying time spent with one another. The two of you end up drifting off into sleep in each other's arms.


greetings from new jersey; i am now home for spring break. but i miss dc :(

i am forever thankful for all of your love and support! hopefully i'll get through my imagine requests for this book as well as my monsta x books but i think i'll get it done. i only opened up a limited amount here & there so i wouldn't be overwhelmed. plus i plan to get my san imagine started ;)

also, i saw captain marvel and yas it was amazing. the special scenes after the credits made so much sense ;)

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